
Except McNulty. Nothing that even resembles the son of a bitch. He either quits, or he drowns.

Here be laying some new york niggaz who came tuu far south for their own fucking good. Look at you now, bitches.

The Smiths are the best, especially if you want to kill yourself over and over and over again. Dont do it, though. When youre dead you cant listen to The Smiths anymore.

Have to admit he isnt even divorced yet and already he got a new girl pregnant.


POints at random moving object:""LOOK!! A ROBOT!!"

I expect at least 56 episodes of milking out one meagre plotline. TV shows are lucrative, so they had to make one of Westworld. Like fucking Herzig and his hideious Bad Lietenant, it disgraces the original. They shouldv left it alone, or at least lock JJ Abrams up with Clinton.

I think Keith is secretly the showrunner. Nobody else in this thread attacks just about anyone daring to voice criticism on this shitty show.

What, are you stupid? This show is HORRIBLE!

Is she a HO?

This show cannot end soon enough. ACtors points at other random actor:""LOOK! A ROBOT!!" its the laziest bullshit show ive ever seen.

Did you guys hear the good news? HE is risen!

I was just listening to Kill Em All. I mean, why the hell do they bother? Theyve made 3 or 4 greats albums, and since the black album its all been shit.

im happy. Trump is a real man. I absolute hated Hillary.

they shouldv quit while ahead, around the ''eheheh-uhuhuhuh'''era

Does AV have nothing else to do than to rave on a shitty tv show each and every week? Are you one of them hiallysuppoters not used to different opinion? Westworld is shit. Its the biggest shit show since GoT or walking dead.

"So, who else do we think is a robot?"

HRC lost to Obama, nearly lost to Sanders, and now lost to Trump. Trump! The ''dummy' who chose to canvas the rust belt states while HRC went to Arizona and, in combination with desilussioned Sanders voters who stayed home, wiped the floor with ''the experienced one'. Trump, the ''stupid one'' is now forming an


robert shaw should run for president. Then again hed be hussled by fake women grabbing allegations