
Lets be fair: even cheap cgi is better than that westworld show, where one points at a human and screams:""LOOK! A ROBOT!"

what i like about drugs is it needs some plan to use it to keep it nice. You need to handle the craving, the downtime, the recovery etc. But the high makes it all worth it. And the longer you postpone, the better the hit will be. Yay drugs, yay submarines, yay Trump and damnit, yay Sosa!

Westworld.. tv show where humans are pointed at and screamed: LOOK! A ROBOT!

Westworld. Producers point at random dude:""LOOK! A ROBOT!". Cheapest, laziest bullshit tv ive ever seen.

Ah Westworld, points at human being and screams:""LOOK! A ROBOT!"

Coffee voice:""…blablabla THE KNIGHT RIDER"" Ta nanana Ta nanana bliblibliblip
WEWEW…WEWEW ta nanana ta tatata ta TAAAAAAAAAAAAAA""

In my dreams I watch the Sopranos, THAT episode where Ralf Cifaretto wails:"A: SHE WAS A HOAHHH, B: SHE WAS A HOAHHH" and then she comes in and kicks the living shit out of him.

*points at random actor without any cgi or special effects* "LOOK! A ROBOT!".

Are you a man? We need to defend ourselves, but the writing is on the wall well be used as toy slaves for women!

face it: we men are obsolete. In 10 years well be rounded up and put into reservations if not worse. Women hold all the cards.

Tom plays several music instruments…Justin Bieber plays several music instruments. Both are gifted lyricists. Just has a few more tats and perhaps touches the hearts of a few more females but I wouldnt hold that against Tom Waits. I did hear Justin is gonna cover ''Martha' wich would be fantastic yes?

I like Lady Gaga, but is she as good as Tom Waits or Justin Bieber? No. Shell need a lot more time to get where these 2 giants are.

Clinton is the latest victim of that alien from The Hidden. We must contain her!

And here was me thinking people loved crazed Nam vets like Riggs??


We will never, ever mention Alien vs Predator again.

I really enjoyed this episode, still ill vote for Trump, and the majority of sane Americans with me. No amount of fake tan could ever put a shine on that dangerous crazed liar-in-chief Clinton

Love this guy! Always remember him for that great line "focking an socking and focking and socking!"

The only people voting for Clinton think she some kind of fairy. Shes not. Shes very very bad, and doesnt give a shit about women in Libya, Syria, Honduras or dare i say it, america. Clinton only cares about money and power.

Im gonna vote Trump and im not even a republican! You dont need anything to see how serial flawed Clinton is, by far, by FAR the worse choice.