
MAY have bent the truth? What have you been smoking?

Goddamn traitor. VOTE TRUMP!

Ron Swanson wouldv voted Trump. TRUMP! a manly male. VOTE TRUMP!

Have a park, and a rec. So you came up hard, huh?

Ron is the male man amongst dominant male men. Hes the uber male. Hes the man man. Hes a man, that men like. Men that like men, who like men. Id vote for Ron in a heartbeat. RON!!!

Brother I love thee. Lets agree to vote Trump, okay?

What a crock of shite. Ron would vote Trump in a heartbeat! No way hed ever lend his vote to that piece of shit Hillary Clinton. Nor would any sane American. VOTE TRUMP!! If you have a grain of humanity in your heart.

Ah the *points at actor* LOOK, A ROBOT!!- show. What a pathetic depth have we sunk to.

my worst horror would be with a woman who cant do doggy style. and then i would only wanna be around men who like men, who like men, if that makes any sense

hillary fucking clinton as president defines horror for me

I never ever said I like to have sex with dogs. And I never will.

Pretty sure he really isnt a dove, that I agree. But his tone against our former cold war enemy is a lot more diplomatic than what Clinton is cooking. The tensions between US and Russia is causing all sorts of problems, with China, with EU, with Syria and in Ukrain. As former secretary of state, Clinton helped create

No she didnt pass that bar. Some unknown guy who wasnt even a democrat kick her in the pussy, and the only way she passed that bar was because of a rigged nomination.

Giving Bush power to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people is less bad than being an obnoxious, sexist pig? I find that very weird, not to mention wrong. Sure, hes a creep, but an idiot with no vision on foreign policy like Clinton, who named Russia as one of the countries shed waged war against in her

So, youre saying Hillary can be fooled by idiots like Bush? And you want that in the white house?

Id recommend a few lessons constitutional law. Or, google ''congress'

So let me get this straight: Clinton has

I really liked the hip, and their collaboration with Wham! was superb. Fuck cancer.

He was the guy playing the sherif in Blazing Saddles. RIP!

Lets see whos teh idiot, when you choose Clinton, she gets elected, and she puts Trump in her administration as secretray of state.