
She threatened Russia in her nomination speech. Thats pretty bold and indicating. Furthermore, people say shes obama 2.0. If thats true, I wouldnt be suprised after shes elected, shed put Trump in her administration as secretary of state. Did you ever consider that?

Trump is terrible, but Clinton is a sure way to world war 3. Not sure wich one I prefer. I think I go with the terrible one.

The Cleaver part was necessary to cut off all links Christopher and Tony had left. He thought he did Tony a favor, but in all his impulsiveness, he ended up letting Cleaver tell Tony what he himself could not do. Carmela was the first to notice. Tony then ended up crying with dr. Melfie. The Cleaver movie itself was

And sometimes I wonder
Do you ever think of me

I still play Gish and almost all other Smashing Pumpkinds records in an endless loop with Radioheads work. Its that good and timeless.


Mate, Vodka is the best.

Ryder was really, really I mean REALLY bad.

Six Feet Under, whilst not having the cast of The Sopranos or the wit and plot of The Wire, it really is a superbly written show in wich Lauren Ambrose, Frances Conroy play a superb 2nd fiddle to a majesticly acting Michael C. Hall. Rachel Griffiths was excellent too. Saw the whole series last year again and some

Deadwood yes but The Sopranos? That shit stays funny even after watching 10 of 15 times.

I had the same feeling when I first watched it. I then decided last year to rewatch the whole series. Some episodes in s3 and s4 made me bawl my eyes out, so touching and nicely written.

Yeah, 50 years ago. I thought we wanted to normalise relatiosn with Russia. Bush and Putin on a farm in Texas. But now, with Obama building that huge force near Russias border, thos war talk is bullshit and exposes Hillary for what she really is: a vad, bad pres candidate. Equally as bad as Trump.

Well, that, apart from her promise and threat to wage war against Russia. IN fact, Hilary sounded just as clueless as Trump.

For a moment I thought Hillary Clinton was actualy a movie character. Anyway, I hope Morgan Freeman cashed in on that one, to the tune of 70 million dollars. Why else promote this war mongering idiot?

"rather than a homogeneous"" heh-heh huh-huh, he said homogeneous, heh-heh, huh-huh

Ball to the wall is allright, but imagine in a game where you discover 854 million homosexuals like me have been let lose in space, prowling for the Eternal Ball, shooting your way through wicthes who are despearte to mate with you, to produce offspring, wich then ruins your life because you cannot do anything anymore

Jesus h crhist, whats next? Mrs Assad? Mrs Erdogan?

I sometimes wish Robespierre was still alive, and his sole reason for existence was to put people making remakes of cult classics through his 'end game routine'.

huuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ah BOOF HUAAAAAAAIAAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAA AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH beng beng boom. TJU TJU TJU GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ssssssssssssffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff AHHHH AHHHH