
Wich is weird. I tried watching but several times i simply stopped and went to do something else instead.

WHat I like about the coen Brothers is: they could make a movie about a man and a woman having sex with cats and dogs and bats and airplanes, at the same time, and still you think its the most beautiful thing youve ever seen.

Deadright. I dont want a movie, I want 2 or 3 more seasons. But not the grieving ex junkie widow, and that dead as wood playing secret boyfriend sherif toyboy of her. Just Ian McShane and his gang.

SWEDGIN!! CACKSOCKERS!! Damn I miss that character.

"Kyle has experience with the supernatural" Oh God no. It all sounded so promising until this part. I find supernatural such a bore these days. Maybe just overkill from the many, many tv shows having this. I can see the 'carrie, dont go alone in the huge dark factory"screams from a mile away.

Bullshit mr han man!

I hope this movie is not about encouraging sexual activities with dogs? Or cats and dogs at the same time?

werner herzog is a terrible, terrible man for ruining bad lietenant. I hate him.

What I like best about this episode, its its message that using drugs is okay. Christopha is an amazing character, and MIchael IMperioli can score scag as much and as many as he likes at my house the door is always open for him. God bless you.

What a rubbish series.

The thing with these Game Of Thrones reviews is they only get reviewed by huge subjective fans, and always score an A. Just like that last seaosn of Heisenberg.

I love that show where everybody starts great but it all goes down quickly and at the end of the season everyone is dead and the screen fades out watching ants devour the last remains of the last stupid character. This is how I hope The Walking Dead wil end too.

I would like to see white empire ships and uniforms, and black and red gowns for the rebels. Also, I want very pretty actors for the empire, and godawful ugly for the rebels.

Didnt GGAllin wrote a song called Swank Fucking? What a visionary that man was.

Agreed. I never liked John in movies that promote sexual activity with dogs and cats and rabbits, and certainly not all at the same time. What was he thinking?

Let me guess: it involved blood and naked women? /end episode review

PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! Ohohohohoh Im such a bad good ole boy!

Im just a good ole boy

fucking lame

So Max is not gonna die the next 2 movies. Thank you for spoiling that one.