No no no no no

Who’s defending that? Johnson’s pretending this isn’t already happening.

I mean, Obama has actually been doing nighttime raids on women and children. Is there broken glass being heard? We don’t get into Hitler comparisons, and demand it stop, or call him a Nazi, but maybe we should all be more outraged. From Reuters:

I mean, Obama has actually been doing nighttime raids on women ND children. Is there broken glass being heard? We don’t get into Hitler comparisons, and demand it stop, or call him a Nazi, but maybe we should all be more outraged. From Reuters:

Obama has deported 2,500,000. So of course Trump can also get millions to leave the US.

I mean, yes, that’s largely how deportation works: raiding homes, shelters, and jails based on lists; “storing” people in deportation and detention centers; and then flying or “shipping” them out. How else would it happen? If it sounds gross and dehumanizing, it’s because it is.

Oh, didn’t you know? As soon as you say you’ve been raped veryone starts throwing money at you and praising you - not dragging your name and reputation through the mud, examining every tiny move you’ve ever made, and calling you a lying slut. I don’t know what alternative world he’s living in, but I’d really like to

Always useful when a predator reveals his criteria for potential victims (women with “lifestyles,” meaning they’re black or poor). He’s too much of an ignorant, spoiled little shit to see how obvious his guilt is to everyone else.

I’d be ok with them interviewing him if they were going to hold his feet to fire a little. Push him on his flimsy excuses and point out the fallacies in his bullshit spiel - like the comment about soccer moms - and I’m down. But a soft touch bit giving him free rein to whine about how sad and misunderstood he is is a

Where’s the money, then, asshole?

Why the fuck are they even interviewing him?

Hillary just killed that defense by saying she would put him in charge of her Presidency’s economic policy!

Well Hillary blew that argument up when she said he’d be in charge of the goddamned economy if she’s elected! WHYYYYYY would she kill this defense she had? Fucking Christ on a crutch it's like they want to lose.

Filed under “well, he’s not WRONG...”

Seriously, what Bill has done and would do if she is elected matters way too much now!

I’d like to believe that Ellie picked that headline image because it gives the impression that Bill Clinton’s fingers are roughly twice as long as Trump’s.