
Jemison was the shooter. Jones was the pregnant shooting victim and it seems like she was in fact indicted.

A “prequel” with the same character thats “set now, so 20 years later”? Sounds like a a headfuck indeed...

I’m amazed how in this day and age GM still sells such garbage cars and people still buy them. I can think of at least three people I know with newer GM products that have experienced major mechanical failures at relatively low mileage (including a new Encore that needed the entire turbo setup replaced at 10k miles — c

Looks moderately entertaining but forgettable. Kind of like every other Jarmusch movie I’ve seen.

It’s his brand, and the secret of his success with the sizeable angry racist douchebag demographic.

Yet Trump can’t kiss up to Saudi Arabia hard enough. Never mind they killed almost 3000 people on American soil on 9/11 in addition to all their other non-stop human rights abuses.

Nah, this is more about giving the black guy who was in the White House before him a comeuppance by reversing another one of his policies.

Not at all a fan of QT’s work since Jackie Brown and no doubt as a person he’s a narcissistic douche, but in his defense, had there been more Sharon Tate in the movie people would be accusing him of exploiting the tragedy for his own personal gain. Plus from what I understand he was in contact with Tate’s family

I could totally see her in the role. I’ll have to check it out.

I saw an identical showroom-condition Lancia last week in a Home Depot parking lot here in the midwest. Well, identical model at least, this one was taxicab yellow instead of blue.

We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. The writing is absolutely insufferable – utterly narcissistic, self-involved and pretentious – but as the story is told in epistolary form I’m assuming this is done deliberately (at least, I’m hoping that’s the case) to make the protagonist unlikable (makes sense, from a

In his defense, politicians in the US still feel that sort of thing is expected. Hence the whole “Two Corinthians” thing from Trump...

My brother-in-law bought one new (I forget which year) and it was serious garbage. Major mechanical failures after less than 20k on the odometer, constant little niggling problems like fuel gauge that refused to work (with dealership throwing up their hands and saying there was nothing to be done). He’s the kind of

On the surface both versions of the story make absolutely no logical sense, but I’m inclined to lean towards drunk, entitled douche with psychopathic tendencies (as a fair number of corporate higher-ups tend to have) had a tantrum that went out of control and snapped over some perceived slight/minor complaint/failure

I always got the feeling most hipster internet slang is people making shit up and pretending it’s a thing...

Because 90% of King’s later output is garbage, maybe? Saying that as an obsessive fan of his early (and best) work...

The Conjuring was about 1000% better than It, though.

There’s the fact it’s not that funny, for one...

an “atheistic religion” seems like a contradiction in terms...”