Ms. Poppycock

The only reason Walt "Breaks Bad" is because he's dying and therefore there are no potential long term consequences to his actions. It takes away the reasons he probably wasn't as ruthless as before. Even in early episodes we see evidence of pride, selfishness, deceitfulness, ect. that are all a part of his

If you bring your medical info / concerns when you finish your OFII paperwork the doctor will be able to refer you to a doctor that speaks English, so don't worry about having to track one down. Be forthright and they'll take care of you. And your school won't know about anything that goes on there - they'll just care

You might have a hangover. Call your doctor if you need to. Bring your prescription with you when you go to France (Paris?).

Your opinion is wrong!

At least the saggy-pants wearers are decent enough to cover their cheeks with their underoos.

I really wanted to take a pic. I probably would have if I had not been driving at the time!

That´s me right there. I do own 3 pair of high heels but because they have weird designs on them that I was not able to find in flats. I always wear flats at the law firm and sneakers outside.

What you're missing there is that appropriation is typically done by majority groups to minority ones. For Native Americans, it is mostly white people superficially adopting their traditions without any true respect or understanding. Surely you can see why that is a problem.

No, I'm sorry. Hippies aren't an oppressed social group. And yes it does dismiss how the Hopi feel.

And all kinds of alarms went off for me with the whole selling "indigenous crafts from our travels." Exploitation like that is why Native folks in the US at least tend to dislike new age hippies, who cherry pick religious beliefs and practices from cultures they have highly exoticized. They are probably paying for

I happen to know a lot of hippy types that somehow managed to get together with very rich people. Being "true to yourself" and "following your heart" often leads people straight into the arms of a venture capitalist, real estate speculator, or "guy who opened a store importing stuff from India and Thailand and now

This is me. I'm not a native Oregonian but I have lived here most of my adult life, which is a very long time.

Maybe her account wasn't suspended for the yoga pics as much as for the offensive and ridiculous cultural appropriation photos. Stop it, white people! And especially you, trustafarians! Just... stop.

If she laid a square plate of unremarkable sushi next to herself and used a sepia filter, it would be totally fine.

I'm not sure you know how these Gawker sites work.

I do enjoy a bit of celeb gossip that exposes a celeb with a perfectly managed public persona as an asshole.

My automatic reaction is to dislike everyone who attended that party. Does that make me a bad person?

Boycotting entertainment made by Scientologists is getting exhausting. I can't keep up at this point.

If someone claiming to be a psych major diagnoses you with a mental illness based on a few online posts, you can probably be pretty certain that he's lying about his major.

Oh, lordy. It's obvious this person is a nut. I'm basing that solely on their decision to insist that Walt Jr is "slow" and Jesse is brilliant. I just sat down and watched the show again from beginning to where we are now this past week. Walt's pride and arrogance is what seems to be the problem. Yeah, Skylar is far