Some of us require both!
Some of us require both!
1, 2, or a dozen. You know, a moderate amount.
Mmm, macarons...the ones at Almondine in Dumbo are seriously delicious and Parisian-esque in quality.
I really don't see how Ryan was trying to dictate what you or anyone eats—she was if anything poking fun at the idea of spending 90 minutes in line early in the morning to get a pastry, in a city full of delicious pastries.
Thank you for justifying my rather absurd love of butter.
Jules Vallès, late 19th century French writer famous for living through and documenting the Commune.
Won't anyone think of paleolithic man? :(
Watch out for the GSA, yo. :|
Completely agree (and I enjoyed "Magic Mike").
Oh, I hear you. I'm in the NW, so there's about a million delicious microwbrews all within easy reach here, and my taste for IPAs, IRAs and pale ales makes losing weight fairly difficult. I'm moving to the East Coast in a couple of weeks, or the land of shitty Domestics, so I'm hoping that'll make it easier to avoid…
Zzzzz. Is that all you've got, some Fox News style talking points? You're going to have to try harder, oh ye of feeble trolls.
As someone in a doctoral program and who has already written a 100+ page Master's thesis, I think it's really bizarre that your boyfriend would write such extensive personal acknowledgements and not mention you. I did not mention my partner in the acknowledgements of my MA thesis—I only thanked two people, both female…
I was thinking that it'd be sort of like having a gaggle of friends who you've successfully Stockholm-Syndromed (since the poor vines and wines can't go anywhere), but harem works, too. :P
This is almost enough to make me want to quit drinking beer, at least for a while to see how my body would change. Almost.
It sounds like the solution is to operate a vineyard!
What is this GIF from???
You, blatant troll, are an idiot. And I—wait for it—am a white person.
Yeah, your statements here definitely reveals your racist biases. Nice try, obvious white person.
Sigh. Ain't it the truth.