These are really cool! Thanks for all of the links. :)
These are really cool! Thanks for all of the links. :)
I can get behind this. I decorated my room in my parents' house with maps from my travels in Europe—just pinned to the wall, mind you, but framing that kind of stuff is not a bad idea! But then...framing is so expensive. I have a really cool poster from Deyrolles I need to frame, and an art print from a Celtic artist…
Not bad advice! I love old maps. Now to just get myself to an historic European University... :)
WHAT IF you have two Trainspotting posters (one purchased, one acquired) but you don't smoke? WHAT THEN??
In college, not everyone had the funds to match their pretension. :|
You are way cooler than this post allows.
Am I a bad feminist for not understanding the appeal of that face?
Personally, yes, she does greatly call to mind a candle; it's uncanny.
This should be the default reply to any such comments from racist concern trolls.
Nah, dude, that toddler was wearing a hoodie and matched the description of a known baby gang that had been committing candy thefts around town.
That doesn't make it any better, yo. To be fair, there is a difference I think between the phrase "come and get it" (where the "it" can refer to any number of things, including the metaphysical) and "I would hit it", which can only refer to fucking someone. I also highly doubt that the commenters were being savvy…
Good riddance! Seriously, she is a super overrated actress and was wholly unconvincing on "Weeds." Maybe now she can find something she's actually good at with which to fill her time.
I grew up with tons of Morgans and have always hated the name, I was just playing devil's advocate or whatever. :P As someone with a very common first name, I would fall into the category of people who prefer "trendy yuppie names" most likely, since I find that a name should be interesting, sonorous and fit well with…
Of course. The issue isn't that someone might find her attractive, or pretty, or whatever—those are perfectly fine ways to describe a starlet being photographed publicly, who you could argue in some ways trades on her attractiveness. The problem is reducing this person to an object (in a way that rarely happens with…
He's definitely the superior prince.
And for a female, Fleur DeLaCournia, Marquess of Westerosness.
And for a female, Fleur DeLaCournia, Marquess of Westerosness.