Ms. Poppycock

Are you kidding? Each of your posts reek of concern trolling, not a measured and thoughtful response to this trial and subsequent outcome. You are presenting as "evidence" aspects of the trial which in fact have not been substantiated, or distorting evidence that actually was presented (such as the report from the

Consistently changing the goalposts in the argument, twisting the words of your interlocutors, ignoring counterarguments and evidence presented by those you disagree with: this is trolling 101.

"Evidence" was specifically put in between quotation marks—if you don't understand the significance of that or the implication, perhaps you should do some reading on punctuation and its effect on meaning.

Careful, your racism is showing.

Ugh. What in the actual fuck.

He is such an immense piece of shit, it is out of control. And it seems like he's milking the attention to further victimize himself, as he and his defense team have done throughout the trial. The faster he crawls back under his Floridian rock, the better. I'm sure though that he'll remain a poster boy for white

It seems clear that he and others like him view "liberal" women as subhuman. So he would find nothing problematic with posting something as garish as this. We "liberal" women (a term that can be applied I'm sure to any woman who disagrees with this disturbing neo-conservative, "Family Values" rhetoric) deserve to

OMFG that movie terrified me as a child...this GIF is gnarly. But very appropriate.

And of course the first comment in response to this is "But I'm not like that!!!" What is it about being a white person that makes this the default knee-jerk reaction? (Rhetorical question, because I know the depressing answer.) It's heartening to see a lot of major, favorited posts are condemning this

MDMA is fun in my limited experience, but shrooms is a whole 'nother kettle of fish. I remember taking it one New Year's Eve, being unable to leave my apartment, and spending the entire night until midnight curled up in the fetal position in my bed while a whole host of characters milled in and out and the room's

Yeah, it's got a distinct Chico's vibe...

Right, but I'm not and did not defend that aspect of her behavior. I don't view people as black-and-white entities as you seem to, which is why I don't affix the label of "hate" to everyone who does things that I disagree with or which I find problematic or potentially dangerous. This is pretty much all I have left to

A) The stuff of nightmares?

To be fair, this seems like an immensely reasonable approach to life.

Just so it's clear, I'm not in any way defending people who drive drunk. It's all of the things that you said. Where I disagree with you is the "I can hate people I don't know who drive drunk." Yes, you can. But it's a huge waste of time and energy. Do you also hate people who eat and text while driving? Because those

Aww, that's too bad. You're missing out!

Tons of people drive drunk. I don't think that's a good enough reason to blindly hate someone you don't know (not that I'm saying you do, but plenty of people who post on forums like this one seem filled with rage when the topic of LiLo comes up, which I find more disturbing than her antics).

Can you elaborate on how you have been 'at her mercy,' and how others you know have been as well? It's hard to take your vitriolic rant seriously without at least some context (even though I'm sure you'd have to hide or change details).

I love her too, and always have. I am rooting for her now more than ever, and hope she can take advantage of the sobriety and not slip back into her old ways. She is an extremely talented woman with a great deal to offer, and is no more divaish than most other A- and B-list actresses in her age group. Reading that NYT

Yeah, seriously. I experimented with substances in my teens but only ever had a really bad time on shrooms, so much that I was and still am absolutely terrified at the thought of taking LSD. Of course, as I've aged, my anxiety has also deepened (like a fine French cheese!), which prevents me from engaging in pretty