Ms. Poppycock

Thank you for bringing it up. I've been horrified by SCOTUS' decision and feel like since DOMA was repealed it's all anyone wants to talk about. Gay rights are incredibly important of course, but the gutting of the VRA is a direct threat to democracy the likes of which we haven't seen in a while. It's really

I don't understand Groupthink at all. Lol. So I cannot help you there. I don't get the blog features of Kinja either. But to follow, you just click on a person's username, and then you click the little "+" that is next to it, at the top of the page!

He angrily typed, while sitting in his elderly, invalid mother's basement.


*head explodes from unfunny, nonironic racism inherent in this comment*

*starts following you, not only because you are a glorious Scorpio, but also because you post great comments* :)

For sure. The issue isn't that it can't be used, it's that it's not traditionally used in that way. Any insult aimed at Joffrey is a good insult. :)

Okay, you win the astrology comment contest.


My dad's a Virgo, so I can say with some authority that this comment is 100% true. I'm an Aquarius, but my favorite peeps are always Leos and Scorpios.

Me too! I don't understand people who are rabidly anti-astrology and get upset whenever the topic of signs is brought up (there's another thread on here featuring just that). I think it's fun and can be pretty compelling, though that doesn't mean I believe in horoscopes.

Mm, I'm sure you are. ;)

Oh yeah, I'm familiar, and used to watch it a lot—I just didn't know people referred to it by the acronym. Thanks :)

Why did the focus turn from terms which define female royalty, to terms which define spoiled/high-maintenance/etc. types of women? That's the question you aren't asking, and where the real gender trouble arises. Why aren't terms like king and prince used in the same way? Describing a man as a king implies he has

Your argument contains a false equivalency. If you don't understand that calling someone the N-word and calling someone "pale face" are not the same, no amount of discussion from me is going to convince you otherwise. You really just need to crack open some books. Might I suggest: Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Class,

I'm not name-calling. If you think outing your bigoted opinions and having someone call you on that is the same as being called an idiot, for example, then I don't know what to tell you. You are experiencing a logic vacuum, and it's amusing you are trying to accuse others of the same.

Those are all really good points, and I don't think anything you said was offensive, but I'm not particularly attached to any of these people (I've never watched 30 Rock—don't tell anyone!).

<3 "you guise" <3

The thing is, the Daily Mail is pretty much ever only in error. It's not like the NYT ran the story. He overreacted in a serious way, and damaged his reputation in the process, all while outing himself as a particularly insensitive and maybe homophobic dude.

Calling a man a "princess" or "diva" is definitely homophobic in pretty much the same way. Maybe it doesn't have the same history as "queen," but it's clearly coming from the same place.