You might have just won the haiku portal of the internet.
You might have just won the haiku portal of the internet.
I can't speak to professional relationships, because I agree that is a whole 'nother kettle of fish, but sometimes in life we are surrounded by people whose views we do not agree with. My partner's parents are fairly homophobic and sort of standard white American racists, but despite this, I would classify them as…
What do you mean? I haven't read Bossypants and I'm not huge Tina Fey fan, but I'd be interested to hear your take-down of it.
This is embarrassing, but I don't know what MST stands for!
You don't have an argument. All you have is a logical fallacy, which you are holding onto as if it is the end-all, be-all of argumentation. I'm sorry, but you don't understand rhetoric. No one is asking that you lose sleep—I'm sure you're quite content with yourself and with your positions—but you come across as…
YESSSS. You really nailed it with the appeal to "white people's feelings." That is the crux of this, and the crux of MiracleWhips19's ridiculous false equivalency (a term they seem unfamiliar with). It always turns around to "but what about me?!" even in the face of hundreds of years of history, of enslavement and…
Your argument doesn't merit deconstruction. Sorry. If you are confused, please do some reading on racism and the history of the US vis à vis Native Americans. That should keep you occupied for a good while, since you seem to be starting at 0.
Can you know the mighty ocean? Can you lasso a star from the sky? Can you say to a rainbow... 'Hey, stop being a rainbow for a second'? No! Such is Mango!
Totally agreed! I hate trying on bikinis—it's a surefire way to bum me out. Always the tiniest tops that don't fit my bust, and bottoms too big for my smaller butt. Then there's the belly, which I prefer to keep under wraps. So I gave up on the two-piece long ago.
I would just like to say that you rock.
I think you should call people what they want to be called. In the NW, a lot of people refer to themselves as plainly "Native," and the writer Sherman Alexie had a bit (I cannot find it in writing, but it was said at at least one of his book readings I attended) where he said he finds the term "Native American" a sort…
WHY does that picture of Adam Levine exist? So much squick. Endless squick.
Hahaha! I'm glad you liked it. I spent a long time trying to come up with things that might make sense in that tone, and thought I might fail spectacularly. Glad at least someone shares my sense of humor. :)
And small it were! Why, 'e 'ad to walk from 'is bed chambers to the library all by 'imself, as there weren't a spare manservant to carry 'im! It were so small, 'e 'ad to learn to play the baby grand, for it were the only size piano that would fit through the foyer! Instead of double French doors, they 'ad a single…
I just
"Wimbers" sounds like the name of an old, trusty nag in a Dickensian short story.
I would wear the shit out of this. I have a high waist and I carry my weight in the front, so unfortunately the higher-waisted bottoms often end up shortening my waist even further and don't do good things for my figure. But the shapes of these one-pieces are amazing!!! Whyyy must swimwear be so teeny-tiny nowadays? I…
I hadn't thought of that—I could totally see that happening, too. Hopefully he won't keep dying though, thereby becoming the creepy deadish, gnarly thing that Dondarrion becomes. :P