
A) You are never going to destroy the beauty standard, because

It doesn't even have to be witness prep. She could just be naturally composed and graceful.

Sorry to bust your bubble white humans, black people can be just as boring and regular as they come!

What makes it worse is that some black people like to criticize others for “acting/speaking white”

Sorry, maybe I'm missing something. Why is "well-spoken" racist?

Ah, so attacks on people's appearance are ok after all.

I looked her up on YouTube before commenting here. Merlina's comedy style is to tell you everything tragic and then make jokes. It's hostage style comedy. That and her jokes aren't funny. Was she bullied yeah. But listen Comedian's say horrible things about everyone. I don't even like Shaffir but it's an industry

Literally no guy gives a fuck about half the shit you're going on about.

Now playing

I was actually on her side, but then I looked up her comedy, and I found her doing her own share of body shaming, so I don't really feel that bad for her any more. She seems like the type who gives it but can't take it.

I think you're giving him too much credit/putting too much thought into it. It was just a lazy, mean spirited joke.

She has the right to say no as an individual but nobody has the right to hoist their beliefs on others without thorough examination of what the case in question (blowjobs) may entail in those "others" lives.

Is it selfish for her to declare she's done with it? Yes

for all those people saying you want Jessica Williams to host STFU she is not yours

This is starting to get really annoying. The new law wouldn't "allow businesses to refuse service to LGBT customers" but rather give businesses a hearing to show that they have legitimate religious freedom grounds to refuse service. Subtle difference, but important. Indiana did not just legalize bigotry and it would

But more than that, the NCAA has a history of backing progressive causes. Last year it spoke out publicly against a proposed amendment backing gay marriage; in 2005 it unilaterally issued playoff bans to certain teams unless they dropped their American-Indian mascots; in 2001 it banned Mississippi and South Carolina

The NFL will speak up just as soon as Goodell can find a pizza place that doesn't discriminate against shit-eating dunce-maggots.


I am implying that, yes. And yes so does the Bible, however not Christianity. The Pope himself disregards the Bible as a strict book of truth.

Social Justice Avengers - Assemble!