
I’m sorry. I understand and even appreciate your frustration at Dennis’ question, but I genuinely think this person is asking from an uninformed perspective on gestation and isn’t trying to be coy. Perhaps I’m wrong. But the poster appears to be trying to form an educated opinion, which is a heck of a lot better than

You are a beacon of light in this great storm, sir. I hop you know how important you are.

How are you going to call him a coward, if your not a coward walk in the ring and fight him, he could knock your garbage self right on your butt

Hey if you ever wanted to change his unbeaten status hope in the ring and do it drew.

Nice article, but Beadle’s still not giving you the skins

Maybe not, but tell me what I’m missing here then? A 10yr old witness to an alleged crime speaks in confidence to police...about his father...and now its being published to the masses. What don’t I get?

seriously, so f’d to publish something like this. we get it already, he beat his wife. why throw the kid into it?? f’d up...

Oh geez. I’m sorry this is ridiculous. I teach in a school that is 100% black in St. Louis. Because I’m white I don’t have the sense to present them with any black role models?! I understand the point the author is trying to make to an extent...but it’s offensive in a lot of ways. No, all white teachers don’t have

Having had teachers that were from many different ethnic backgrounds, American white (strange enough mostly Irish), American black, Filipino, non-white Puerto Rican, etc, I can tell you there isn’t any change in teaching styles. We were taught from the same old syllabus.

Right? People need to understand we're the only thing that matters in the universe.

Nah, what's it all for if there's no one here?

Because I know that someone in the comments will talk about how dangerous it is to be a police officer, just wanting to come home alive, etc.

It is more dangerous to be employed as a landscaper in America than it is to be employed as police officer. This is a fact that is true and is verifiable.

Coaches must love their players being out at clubs until 4 am the night before games. Pro sports are a different beast.

What kind of world do we live in where not even a thug can go around without getting stabbed at 4am? Where were his parents? The internet needs to know. Muh outrage!

This proves Rand is an idiot because he is also seeking high dollar investments to start a company making these.

HAHA! Stupid Republicans! What IDIOTS!

Pow! Got em, Adam!

Dems? Progs?

I’m looking forward to Adam’s exposé on how this shirt won't actually protect you from a drone attack.

Uhmmm...I’m betting it’s just a novelty item for his fundraising and NOT an actual “spying” prophylactic. BUT...libs need something to rip on on Rand about...right?

well no shit, it doesn’t stop the nsa. but it is a very effective symbolic campaign trinket.