
Same here. I didn't get what was supposed to make me "emotional."

same, am I heartless?

Not a twitch. Perhaps I'm dead inside.

Jezebel has a real bee in their bonnet about Maria Kang. Heaven forbid someone should be fit and encourage others to be fit.

She doesn't say "what's your excuse for not having my body?" it's simply, "what's your excuse?"

yes keep at it!! consistency is REALLY where its at. I've been at this for 5 lazy years (seriously, I could have probably achieved this sooner if I wasn't so fond of taking 2-3 month breaks around the holidays), and only within the past year or so have I reached a point where I'm like..yeeeeah, I could totally be

Limited sleep is incredibly damaging to the body.

As ignorant as she sounds, if you actually look at the website, it promotes healthy ideals. "What is a no excuse mom? She's a mom that makes no excuses for making her health a priority." Then on the website she celebrates women who've done just that, gotten healthier. And many of the women on the website aren't crazy

I know one of the guys who wrote a few episodes....i am actually going to say "smarter than you were giving them credit for."

Exactly. It falls into the category of things that aren't totally unreasonable to say but will rightly expose you as a douche if you do say them.

I do think calling it bullying is pretty lame, but there's no denying he's a jerk and what he said really didn't need to be said.

So, this lady gets PAID to be in the public eye, it is her job. Then when someone in the audience (a customer shall we?) has an honest comment about her and her health, he is suddenly bullying her? Would he be a bully if he told her to quit smoking because it was bad for her health and for the influence she has on

Infection works both ways you know...

I just don't see how anyone takes anything more than entertainment away from television, especially from shows on the big 3 free networks. They're so obviously marketing cesspools yet people still buy into the mindless bullshit. Backwards faced red colored soda cans, obvious-shape and black colored game console

I hate this because getting pissed at Bey for singing a song she wishes were true is just misdirected anger. This just more women hating women bullshit. And people need to stop it. Beyonce is not oppressing you.

Her headbutt into the car when she was running out of the shoestore is some of the best physical comedy I've ever seen.

I find nothing attractive about that character.

Actually the vast majority of broadcast television audiences are, and always have been, female. Perhaps they're trying to reach a new demographic with "manly men" shows? But yeah, most television, and subsequently most advertising, is aimed at white middle-class women.

Context of the show would nice. See, Hank Moody (the character Duchovny plays, because it's not a documentary) was clearly fucked up by his father. It's what the episode showing him was all about. So this post is complaining about the viewpoint of a fictional character who's supposed to be an asshole.