God, I’m so BORED with this shit. Another straight white baby boomer dude self-glorying wankfest (nostalgia edition). How can a single demographic be so endlessly entertained with itself! And so institutionally narcissistic that it assumes that literally everyone agrees on how fascinating every detail of their…
The first five minutes of Vinyl’s two-hour series premiere are a meditation, of sorts. It’s Martin Scorsese and…
I’m an attorney and deal with clerk’s offices in several counties around me. They weirdly power trip here too. I have to brace myself every time I go in there to ask for anything, because I’m probably going to get a lecture of some sort about how I was supposed to have three photocopies of this, and two of that, and…
“That’s just my religious belief.”
The fuck kind of world do we live in when telling people that they’re living wrong and going to be judged and burn in hell can be construed as “I felt I talked nicely to them.”
I used to work at a small county courthouse in the south. A friend called the County Clerk’s office “the haughty gauntlet,” because we never wanted to go down there to ask for anything. They were known for this weird, power-tripping stuff. I can picture in my mind how this went down.
I’m so glad Abramovich and…
I am a case manager for low income families. A lot of my clients have some trouble with family planning and regardless of the fact that some of them live off of less that a thousand dollars a month, continue having baby after baby. Do I think it’s right to keep bringing children into poverty? No. Do I keep my opinions…
“I felt I talked nicely to them.”
Unable to deny a lesbian couple a marriage license, a West Virginia deputy county clerk settled for telling the…
The father probably feels like he could be helping others by sharing his regret. I am not sure how much it will help, but if it makes him feel better in this awful time, why not?
This is said without blame, scorn, nor judgement; perhaps this family needs to stop broadcasting its life in mass media?
Firing at noises into the dark is not “standard operating procedure” and neither is arguing about how to cover it up instead of saving the innocent man you shot.
More importantly, what's the ratio of men to women in the categories that aren't gender specific.
Nowadays it’s not enough to be kind and good and genuinely care. It’s not enough to act and actually try to improve the world. You have to be pure and perfect in every ostensible way or they will cry out “hypocrisy!!”
The anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress, whose founder is under indictment, released a new undercover video…
Good news. Always wondered why there isnt a straight conversion therapy for parents whose teens want to be gay, or for adults grappling with opposite sex attraction .The defenders of this “therapy” talk about choice and leaving it up to the individual.....but always one sided? Wwwwwhy oh wwwwhy? ...... Yeah we know…