
Anytime these mouthbreathers go off on twitter with their ‘Molon Labe’ bullshit I tell them I snuck into their house and took their guns while they weren’t looking. I’ve kept dumb fuckwits going for hours as they insist I can’t have took their guns. Right as they reach peak apoplexy I’ll slip in something like how I

See my response above to the same point. they have yet to set out any demands or anything resembling a coherent political ideology (one might say the same of Donald Trump), and they haven’t, you know, terrorized anyone. They’re just really angry, really scared white people who lack the self-awareness to realize that

They’d have to have a political agenda, and they’d have to be violent. Their political agenda seems to be a dislike of the federal government, but that’s hardly a unique viewpoint. As for violence, they broke into an empty building. Given how big and isolated SE Oregon is, and the ubiquity of federal buildings out

We shouldn’t even dignify these shits with a name. Just cut the power and water, bring in whatever crazy tech the FBI has to shut down wireless communication, and wait until they turn cannibal and arrest whoever is left.

Let’s be real about terrorism for a moment. The purpose of terrorism is to use violence to enact a political agenda that isn’t achievable by normal political means, usually by scaring people enough to get them to act like idiots. Are you scared? I’m not and I live in Oregon. I’ve actually BEEN to the Malheur

My wife bought me 24 winter warmers for an advent gift (made possible by the always amazing Belmont Station) and I just drank a velvet merkin last night. Delicious. Reminded me of Ninkasi’s Oatmeal Stout. If you like really creamy/smooth stouts with a punch you should try Hitachino Nest’s Espresso Stout. It’s my

Jubelale is amazing, and every time I read Will’s articles I have to remember that he lives on the East coast, a primitive place full of bad to mediocre beer as evidenced by the fact that Sam Adams always places on these lists. There’s just no way he’d know about Gigantic’s Superbad or Ecliptic’s Frosty Leo (both

No mention of Antonio French holding up all stadium proposals until Mayor Slay does something, anything, about the intentional neglect and predatory policing affecting the poor of St. Louis county? The man is single handedly fucking all of this up and god bless him for it. French’s quest to get the wheels of

Just because Reddit thinks it doesn’t mean it’s not untrue. Most of my friends who lived there in the 90’s and early 2000’s have been priced out. The shitty diner where we planned WTO protests was bulldozed for condos, etc. It’s just change, but it don’t mean I have to like it bygummit. Now excuse me, I have to go

Reddit, like Sea-Chicken fandom, is best left to chubby Rand fan-boys, angry illiterates, the criminally insane, and methodists.

I come from a Pacific Northwest family of sports fans, split evenly between the Seattle and Portland areas. We are mostly Mariners fans, split between Sonics/Blazers, and not a single goddamn Sea-Chickens fan. Anyone who claims to have been a Seahawks fan before, say, 2010 is flat out fucking lying to your face. My

Nothing does a better job of proving that wealth does not equal intelligence than nouveau riche franchise owners and the utter incompetence they surround themselves with.

This was the summer of 2000.

I mean, I met him once 15 years ago while high as a kite, but sure.

My friends were very conscientious of the idea that people who smoke for the first time often don’t get high, so they coached me through deep breathing, and we hotboxed his car until the air was nearly solid. We ended up listening to Dark Side of the Moon twice in a row. The final song was punctuated by my friend

I grew up in Hillsboro, the town Rowdy settled down in and where he raised his kids. I never met him or knew anyone who did until the summer after my Senior year in High School, which was during the peak of Degeneration X/the Rock, so I was very much into wrestling but didn’t know much about its past. That summer I

Jesus Christ I haven’t laughed that hard in months. If our new robotic overlords are always that funny I say bring on the purges and death by lasers!

Yup. I pitched in HS and college and hit a batter in the head once. I felt so bad about it I completely lost my shit and pulled myself after walking the next two guys. It’s the worst feeling ever. You would have to be a real monster to intentionally do that. If I needed to hit someone I always aimed for the butt,

No no, Mars is in regression, which means we’re playing under Marquisse du Queensbury rules until the unnamed Orphan finds the ox-bone in his cake, at which point we revert to the original unwritten rules, carried by a blind mystic who pronounces who shall be hit and when from his cave high in the Andes.

That definitely happened. I have friends in Milwaukee who are aghast at the damage Walker has done to their state in the service of his own ego, but the thing they are most upset about is this bullshit stadium deal. It’s gotten so bad that even my friends republican relatives are pissed that Walker and the legislature