
Even worse is Scott Walker’s plan to gut living wage requirements to free up some budget space so he can give 250 million to some billionaires for their toy sports team. That way his giveaway can stay “budget neutral” and satisfy the dictats of our unelected emperor Grover Norquist. Also, it hurts poor people, which

The summer between Sr. year of High School and going away to College my friends and I went all out for a fireworks jam. You can buy good fireworks just across the state line in Vancouver, so we trekked up there, bought a trunk load, and spent the next week in my friend’s dad’s garage, modifying and “improving” the

I generally enjoy the beers Mikkeller puts out, but a single hop Simcoe sounds terrible. Simcoe is a big fat juice bomb of mango and other overly sweet tropical fruits. Deschutes makes a similar one hop beer with Simcoe and it’s like eating a mango I found under the front seat of my car during a hot summer day.

Yikes. I remember how terrifying being a brand new driver was. I could barely handle multiple lane intersections (I once stalled my ‘76 Rabbit in the middle of a major intersection and completely froze until some kind stranger got out of his car and drove me to the side of the road). That must have been intense.

You’re probably just suffering from catastrophic pothole withdrawal. I’ve driven in both cities and while Portland requires you add 10 minutes to every single trip, no matter the distance, I’d much rather drive with slow, courteous drivers than the maniacs I’ve encountered in the midwest. Something about huge expanses

Oooh, we should use this post to talk about our student driver fails. I was driving some econobox outfitted with a passenger brake around suburban Portland, OR back in the day and was feeling pretty confident in my skills. I grew up on a family farm and was driving tractors from the age of 12. I was showing off my

Wasn’t he weed homer, or whatever that glorious nonsense was called?

Be aware that should you choose to smoke Atlantic 'salmon' and serve it to anyone under any pretense that it's anything other than rotten cardboard you found underneath a piss soaked bum sleeping on your stoop, the vengeful spirits of Celilo Falls will drag your soul to hell.

It sounds a lot like the haunted hotel in Oklahoma City, the Skirvin. The legend goes that the owner had an affair with a maid, who got pregnant. Rather than deal with it he locked them both on the 10th floor, the maid jumped to her death holding her daughter. The hotel is one of the nicest in OKC so basketball teams

I went to school with Nick, though I didn't/don't know him. I've always followed his career, and it makes me tremendously proud, in a way no other alumni ever has, that he's among the athletes leading the charge to dismantle the hideously corrupt "amateur" system that allows shady sportocrats to reap obscene profit

A guy on my morning bus does this EVERY DAY. He'd have been murdered months ago but he's built like a competitive bodybuilder and has several menacing tattoos, so we're all just waiting for MRSA or Hep C to do the job for us. The worst part is that he's singing praise music/devotionals.

I was at the game and we were sure that ankle was broken. It looked awful.

I have the same idiotic set-up and I use a regular sponge and a dilution of a product called goo-gone.

Nearly every public school teacher I've ever known has been an exemplary public servant who cares deeply about the success of their students. I don't care what their vaccine beliefs are because policy is set above them, and Oregon policy is mandatory vaccinations.

Hart is an asshole and a creep of the highest order. I've had the displeasure of his company a number of times, first during Occupy PDX and since then a number of times at rallies and bike events. He breezed into town, insinuated himself into the 'counter-cultural elite' around here, and quickly developed a cult like

wife, parents, and sister are public school teachers. Stay out of the Fucking thunderdome.

He'd hold a pen, grin like he'd just had his scrotum electrocuted, and hiss with teeth clenched "goddamn mexicans"

Damn, did a chiropractor piss in your cornflakes this morning? I was in a bad car accident a couple of years ago, fractured vertebrae, broken ribs, etc. and my chiropractor was a million times more useful than my physical therapist. I mean, I was also getting therapeutic massage and had to swat away the dude with the

Yeah my grandpa was tortured by post-polio syndrome after having it as a child. His left arm basically didn't work (he did a great John McCain impersonation) and when post-polio hit his arm withered and tucked up under his armpit, and within a year of the onset the hip and back pain was so bad he was in a wheelchair,

We recently looked at enrolling my 2.5 year old son at a Waldorf pre-school, despite my objections about hippies. When we went for a school visit I loved the place. It's semi-rural and has a creek in the backyard and chickens and the kids play outside EVERY day even when it's raining out (I live in the PNW so that's