
Connie was so great in this episode as the adventurer friend, and Steven as the quintessential proud mom friend.

I think it helped move her arc faster by putting the source of her conflict right there, but yeah, it would have been just as valid.

Remember how Greg kept trying to get their approval in "The Message"? poor dude just wants to be acknowledged by his son surrogate mothers.

I had the whole centipletee thing spoiled to me also through Youtube recommendations, I feel your pain…

Fusion between different gems basically allows for the development of individuality, be because of the person that is born through the fusion, or for the individual gems that experience it and start to realize their own. (like "The Answer" show us). It makes sense that Homeworld is not really happy with this sort of

I'm actually happy because it means that I can see Jasper being the butt monkey of the show for a little while more.

Honestly, I feel kinda cheated with the OP because I thought Connie would be more present in this season. So many interactions that could have been if she was present in some episodes…

I actually thought that the twist would be that she was the one making the boat break without noticing, because or her internal turmoil.

"All of this, as well as the last few episodes she’s been in, adds up to a
simple conclusion: there’s no real sense that Lapis might accept
Jasper’s proposal, even for a second, which evaporates some tension from
the scene and gives it a sense of false stakes."

My biggest concern is the fandom retroactively interpreting this as "every time Steven abilities failed it was because he didn't actually care/love/liked the person he was using his powers for all along". Which is the sort of absolutism some fandom theories go sometimes…

I like it and it makes a lot of sense considering how his powers are emotion based, but I think there must be some space for the possibility that his powers sometimes also happen to be very inconsistent and hard to control, otherwise I can see people coming up with terrible theories out of this.

I read this theory on /r/stevenuniverse about why centipletee made copies of herself and it broke my heart:… why is this fandom so efficient in coming up with sad ideas ;-;

I actually thought I read "Emerald" in the paper, but after Pearl said it was gem-writing I felt in doubt.

Wow, true, it looks so much like it.

This sound very plausible.

I didn't even consider that they could possibly depict the corruption wave as some sort of song. I think it would need to be a pretty creepy or ominous one if it ever made into the screen.

This episode was so disturbing, the choice of drawings instead of flashbacks made it much more impactful. Also "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" is one of the tropes I'm more afraid of. At least centipetlee got a "happy ending", or at least the best possible ending that she could hope for at the moment. I like that

Oh, same, I was spoiled by the related videos of a SU clip I saw…didn't even have a chance to avoid it. Naive from my part not realizing something like that could happen.

Right now there were no leaks for week three and four of the Steven Nuke, but it's inevitable that it will happen. My understanding is that most leaks happen from the inside, from CN employees and when CN pass the new episodes to streaming sites like iTunes and someone there leaks it too. There were some promos which

The /r/stevenuniverse forum is taking Burnett ask very seriously and is redirecting all spoilers to a different sub. Maybe you can try going there?