none shy


“In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter

Exactly, the only person in clown make-up hiding in his closet waiting for him to turn off the lights my son has to be afraid of is me.

lol, the funniest part is that you atheists think you know everything, but you’re just being deluded by satan.

Looks like we’ve got another crazy atheist on our hands.

I love that one too, I quote it all the time and no one gets it. >_<

This is as close to a feature length movie version of the opening of The Other Guys we’re going to get, isn’t it?

If there isn’t some basis in reality then there’s no satire.

I think my favorite part of the movie is when he stabs the dude with the pen after he signs the contract and says, “Don’t forget to send me a copy.”

It’s not the best, but it’s my  favorite.

Bullshit, where do you think the 10 commanders came from?

Ultimately, that’s the goal so I’m super happy.

Another misguided atheist.

Jesus. He wrote the bible and there’s hella lots of adaptations of that shit all over the frickin’ place.

Oh man, I’d forgotten about that rape subplot. That was super duper bad. My main memories of it are of the weirdo visuals with the crazy hippie lady later in the series.


I think The Mist should be on this list, both the 2007 film as a best (which is, for my money, amazing,) and the 2017 miniseries for WTF because, while interesting and decent, it definitely veers into WTF territory.

So true. I have an intense memory of being left in the car alone when I was under 4 when my mom went into the piano teacher’s house to get my brother. It felt like I was in the car alone for hours (couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes.) I was convinced the telephone poles were coming to get me, bending down towards

Ledger made the Joker not funny so Pattinson will make the Batman hilarious?

Okay, I’m sold. I’m watching this show starting tomorrow! :D

Why is there a picture of a bus on their logo, porn master? ;)