none shy

Also, good thing you guys dismissed my question so no one else will be able to see your answer. Good thinking, you thin-skinned devils. :D

Okie dokie, thanks for an answer.

“The thing is Evangelion is not like your typical mech anime like Gundam or Macross (Robotech for old schoolers like me). It’s more of a drama anime than an action anime.”


I’m an old school nerd who’s been an anime maniac since the 80's. Had a subscription to Protoculture Addict, watched the first North American broadcast of Sailor Moon after waiting for it for years, etc... etc... etc...

In any case, I’ve watch Evangelion and didn’t particularly care for it. It was well animated, the

i’m pretty sure one can be barred from commenting on ongoing litigation that affects their employer by a contract they signed... contracts are legally binding documents. thus, they could be legally barred from discussing the lawsuit.

Now playing

Just in case anyone wants to try another flavor of Flash Sauce:

holy fuck, it really is gone, wow.


Bravo. I spent a couple minutes looking for something like your link after I read this piece, but you’re smarter and less lazy than me.

I’ve got to imagine that a Stargod outranks a Star-Lord, right?

reads to me more like you’re looking for reasons to hate this dude.

My favorite part is how there’s a definite sort of anti-gray racism like those who didn’t get followed by the site are implicitly inferior in some way. Elitism is a weird shoe, man.

They’re a patchwork of different ideas and opinions.

imagine being too dumb to recognize an obvious joke.

i would give her the tough love she needs. she looks like a woman who needs someone in her life that doesn’t have a problem telling her, “no.”

stop languaging good in the space made of words

It’s odd to me because I’ve never looked at Mulaney and thought, “That gut needs some style tips.” The dude is always perfectly dressed andstyled.


Endgame is definitely a much, much better movie than Relaxer.