
Does it come in a tank top?

ohh good one. I really really don't like his face and/or voice.

The Lions have sucked for far longer than the Bills. I still dislike the Bills from the Jim Kelly era.

The Browns and Bills might be disqualified by the hatred they inspired in their own fan bases.

If only Marshall Henderson was really good...

Don't forget that video would get like 25 repeat views per person. Once you see the Obama one once, you've seen it.

"Secondly, if my old lady comes by and asks to split the thing, she has no choice but to accept the little half, along with my withering glare. "

I don't know if he's overused, but got damn I dislike Cris Carter. So he gets my vote.

If Mark Staal wasn't playing hockey, he'd be a used car salesman. That way he could spend all day slashing prices instead of other players' heads.

Everyone that I have met from Ohio is insane.

Granted, he's not an analyst, but 5 minutes of Chris Berman is about an hour too long.

Oh God, I'm so glad you asked.

The Jennifer Lawrence tape would destroy the Obama news. No need to watch a video when you can read a transcript. I've got 2gb of data to use and I'm not using it to hear Obama when I can see what Mystique looks like and what kind of moves she's got.

I did! The game was boring so I watched Game of Thrones on my iPads. I saw LOTS of fights. And boobies.

This is wonderfully cryptic.

I went to UNC and had a few classes with football and basketball athletes. Most of them did go to class, but did mis large chunks when the team was on the road. Serge Zwicker handed in all his papers, that he wrote himself. Brendan Hayward attended all his spanish classes.

The time has come for NCAA coaches to be "amateurs", too. Why professionalize any part of college sports? Tell dadgum Roy he's got to be a "faculty-coach" with a regular teaching/research course load in order to be a coach, and see what happens. Oh, and he'll be paid based on his teaching and research, but not