
Does anyone, other than the bars that leave it on as background noise, watch anything on ESPN other than live sports anymore? Other than the live sports everything on ESPN is a commercial for ESPN, and even those are wall to wall promos for upcoming ESPN events.

Quite an impressive feat.

Somehow, some way they will still get a 1 seed or a 2/3 seed that has an easier path than any 1 seed and play the first two rounds in Charlotte.

I guess the Chapstick didn’t work out, but at least she stuck with the downhill.

“Clete is making muscles and hollering, I should probably go make muscles and holler too or he’ll think I’m a sissy”.

His voice is almost as annoying as Elmo’s, but now I can’t get the image of Elmo with half a Vader helmet, chest-plate and cape out of my head.

Has Disney copyrighted the name Darth Emo yet?

Was US Steel not an option?

The Millenial Falcon.

Baseball version of Lance Thomas guarding Dirk.

Why call a penalty there? He was only breaking balls.

Frisbee dogs.

He did go to duke, so it’s more than likely.

They only give second seasons to horrible shows if the star is named Nick.

This is proof Chris Duhon convinced him to go to duke.

Benstaps Simzingis.

I think the refs are bad because Mike Perreira used to be in charge of them and he’s usually wrong about every call. Was weird to see him be right for once.

Why would they not be?

What were the old bootleg version of Jeno’s called? The ones where you didn’t even have to swallow one to get raging heartburn? Matlaw’s maybe?