I’m excited to see Star Wars; I hope Suicide Squad premieres in a toilet.
The only one who thinks the behind-the-ump cam is a good idea for a live pitch is the same FOX producer who thinks it’s a good idea to go with the vertigo-inducing dangly-cam for NFL games.
That was the second worst decision of the night behind the “genius” producer who thought showing live pitches from behind the umpire was a cool idea. Probably the same asshole who goes live with the dangly-cam during NFL games.
By “went to hell” you mean everyone was thrilled to get to watch a World Series without listening to Joe Buck. It will go down as a cherished memory for most.
The internet only Eurogame could have been less interesting to me is if it was played on Thursday and shot entirely via the dangly cam. Incidentally any producer who uses dangly cam for live shots should be transferred to Siberia.
When did Cal Ripken become Gerald Ford from the Simpsons? “why don’t you come over and watch the game and we’ll have nachos, and then some beer?” I swear he’s asleep half the game and someone pinches him and he starts blathering about nothing in particular.
That’s a great story. What’s in the video?
The best part is Collins leaving cameraphone guy hanging.
Whoop dee damn do.
You don’t have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun your friends.
I hope your right, I hate the concept, it was a misguided way to add another “playoff” team and try to capture the excitement of the one game tiebreaker. It did not.
Possibly just booing the stupidity of the one game Wild Card.
His Maserati salesman has him on a strict mileage limit.
I played my first 2 high school games and skipped as much of the “movie” as I could before switching to MyGM to build up some xp to improve my player. I absolutely hate the 5 on 5. It’s one of the most frustrating games I’ve played in a long time. At this point I’m playing a half at a time because it’s all I can…
He’s still only the second worst human on The League.
I just assume more and more stadiums will be full of opposing fans. Fans of many home teams have been priced out of season tickets, or simply have horrible stadiums they don’t want to go to, whereas the away team’s fans (DC area Miami fans in this case) can only see their team near home once a year at most and are…
I hope this doesn’t effect his backflipping ability.
See my pinky? See my thumb? See my fist? You better return it, I’ve been looking everywhere!