“...comedic luminaries like Charlie Day, Ron Livingston, Keegan Michael-Key, Nick Kroll, Tim Heidecker, Kaitlin Olson, Michael Pena...”
“...comedic luminaries like Charlie Day, Ron Livingston, Keegan Michael-Key, Nick Kroll, Tim Heidecker, Kaitlin Olson, Michael Pena...”
I remember that all too well, although the palms of my hands were even worse. I used to go to school with a feeling I would later recognize as a hangover.
I was using Brazil, Argentina, etc on the easiest settings and losing like 5-0 to the worst of the MLS clubs on the “easiest” settings I could find vs the cpu. It was painfully frustrating, especially at a game I had previously thought myself halfway decent at. It was like the cpu was running on turf and my guys were…
I wish the no dead people voting rule applied to New York politics.
I also loved Double Dribble because tapping B to steal the inbounds pass and have Patrick Ewing dunk it every time was bizarrely satisfying. Also, your small forwards and shooting guards would drift into the corner and hit about 95% of their 3’s.
I guess I aged out of FIFA, I used to love it but the combination of too many controls and the frustration of being caught from behind so easily had me quit after just a few games last year. I didn’t consider getting shelled by MLS teams to be fun and didn’t have the time/patience to stick around to learn.
Blades Of Steel
I would have starred a lot of these comments if hitting the star button didn’t just send me right back to the top of the article without adding a star to the comment’s total. I guess that’s kind of appropriate.
I still like him better than that dickhead that throws exploding playing cards.
George Lucas? Is that really you?
Nathan’s are nasty bags of salt, the Ballpark Angus are just fine as are many others, the most important thing, as with burgers are Martin’s potato rolls. White buns can get fed to the pigeons.
This should not be gray.
I think the real lesson is “be really good looking and hang out with really good looking people and strangers will do nice things for you.
Maybe now they’ll be open to trading Russell and Randle for Carmelo Anthony.
They’re the opposite of the Knicks.
What’s most frustrating is the insistence that any player fit with Carmelo and the triangle, both of which will be just a bad memory in NY by the time anyone in this draft hits their prime. As a fan my stomach is turning that our best pick since the frozen envelope is likely to be given away for spare parts.