Yup, but all the Maserati, Nike and whatever else were known commodities and status symbols. I guess if they went with a big name brand, or even just spent less time with it might not have bugged me so much. When I first saw that stuff at a bar I thought they started making it because of the show.
Product placement can be perfectly fine, but in this case it wasn’t a great storyline to begin with and then to find out the show, which was already going downhill, was now basically a commercial was a bit skeevy to me.
I started seeing at bars after whatever season that was, and as the man once said “Ever get the feeling that you’ve been cheated?” Didn’t think it was a great storyline to begin with, and I don’t think anyone was expecting one, but I definitely felt a little slimy knowing I was watching a commercial and didn’t even…
I was so mad when I found out that Avion was a real thing and that I’d been watching a season-long infomercial.
Since I couldn’t beat an MLS team with Germany or Argentina before hate-quitting last year’s version, maybe in this version I’ll at least get a draw if I use them against one of the lesser women’s teams.
Yup, if they cancel either they won’t be able to pay that money back and they will end up being fed to someone’s pet tigers.
I’m amazed Nick Kroll’s dad was unable to buy him admission into the Top 10.
So in the admittedly rare situation of a fake PAT attempt do they announce they’re faking it? If so where do they spot the ball?
On the East Coast the NBA Playoffs are like Christmas morning, waking up and unwrapping the scores from games that go on until 1am. Glad that Golden State finally has an early start on the one night I can actually stay up late.
I’m sure it was already dead, but that N’Sync episode was probably the last straw for me. There were plenty of well done cameos on the show and some that were pretty great, but at some point it became the “it” thing to do and there was another lame celebrity in a throwaway and/or unfunny role every week.
I’d rather you think me ignorant than continue to try and convince me to like music I’ve already been subjected to for countless hours and despised more with each listen.
I’m not missing out on anything, I’ve heard enough to hate both thoroughly. How precisely would you like the singing of someone whose voice you hate? Would you want to hear Fran Drescher rap?
Accursed work computer blocking youtube!
“That’s insane, not even a couple of million? What’s this world coming to?!?”
I would have expected Shearer to appreciate that joke, or maybe he didn’t like that it was a Phil Hartman line?
When the Dana Gould Cat Lady Era started and every episode had lamer and lamer “celebrities” showing up every week it was pretty much over. The first howevermany seasons were amazing but anything I’ve seen from the last 15 years or so has been painfully unfunny and I’m unable to sit through it for very long.