
Loved that commercial.

Funny, I like the kettle chips best for dipping, they're so much stronger than any other chip and can withstand the goopiest dips.

Ravens have to draw the line somewhere. Stabbing people is fine, punching a lady in the face is no biggie. But damnit be nice to the puppies!


Would love to hear Bill Bellichek's take on this.

"You people need to get lives. You, there. Have you ever even kissed a girl?"

Klaus is a moron who knows only what he reads in the New York Post

Cheez-Its are nature's perfect food.

Mixed nuts?!?! You don't know what you're getting?!?!

Nobody made this big a deal about it when they deflated Rex Ryan.

Ridgies Sour Cream & Onion were my favorite all time chips, somewhere in the past few years they changed the flavor and and the ridges and they've been absolutely terrible ever since. I know this has little to do with the bracket, but I want answers damn it!

Cheez-Its are nature's perfect food.

Another few games like this and Krizilonski will take the rest of the season off and let an assistant coach take the losses.

How is this news? Jets fans are always talking about 50 year old Super Bowls.

Coach K's new haircut makes him look ten years younger.

Can Sanchise be far behind?