Blows my mind that Snowpiercer is playing at only about 3 theaters in Manhattan. I've heard great things about it and the trailer looks awesome. Meanwhile this heap of garbage will play 15 times a day at every mall in the US.
Blows my mind that Snowpiercer is playing at only about 3 theaters in Manhattan. I've heard great things about it and the trailer looks awesome. Meanwhile this heap of garbage will play 15 times a day at every mall in the US.
The fact that she was nominated for an Oscar for Bridesmaids is one of the most insanely idiotic nominations for anything ever.
She's painfully unfunny. Unless you find shitting in sinks funny. I hate that Hollywood thinks so little of us that movies like this and Transformers 18 get on about a billion screens across the country while a movie like Snowpiercer is on about 12.
I remember Pippen all too well. Good at everything, great at nothing. The most overrated underrated player of his generation and perhaps all time. Benefited from playing next to Jordan, having Phil Jackson pull Jedi mind tricks on refs, and somehow getting Jordan calls despite never earning them. His success with…
He was behind those two guys when they played together and the Most Overrated Underrated Player in the league for about a decade. Not to say he wasn't an All-Star, he was good at everything but not great at anything. Nobody benefited from being a Jordanairre more than Pippen, and I was always worried that history…
Plus they don't look anywhere near as bad as the genie pants. That's the one that I can't understand. They make everyone look like poor "Steven" from the e-mail of the week.
That and all the tanking the Spurs did to get him. If I remember correctly they held back David Robinson's return from injury for about two months so they could get more ping pong balls.
Horace Grant wasn't there for all Jordan's championships and neither was Rodman, and while those were the second best players on those teams I'm not sure how you could say either was the 2nd best player in the league.
1 Star. The Chiellini was dry and the waiter was rude. I'm never going back again
Gotta love the NHL's Drunk Uncle.
Clicked on a spoiler article about Game of Thrones, which I'm up to date on, got spoilers for a show I haven't started watching. I stopped reading to be on the safe side, are you pro or anti-spoiler?
House of Cards is going to be recommended for everyone, just like all the rest of their original programming. What frustrates me is that they don't separate the TV show recommendations from the movies. Their old algorithm led me to so many great foreign movies I otherwise never would have found, now it's the same 5-6…
If I see one at a coffee shop or lunch spot, I won't go back to that place for a minimum of 6 months.
1. Co-workers
I don't know when I'll die but I'm fairly sure it will be from walking into traffic to avoid one of those bastards. Sure, guy with a t-shirt (or smock) and clipboard, I'd be happy to give you all my contact info and credit card #. What could possibly go wrong?
I guess it wasn't all that bad, but I'm just not into that kind of monster. They looked a lot like every post- Attack of the Clones movie creature, but in all black.