
“so people will finally understand governmental action vs. public opinion?!” And government-sanctiononed action.

I love you for this comment. Thank you.

He also believes women bring about their own beat downs from men significantly bigger than they are. He’s an asshole.

But if you are all of them - Raven, Joy, and Mich(elle) - how do you even begin to process this information? I wish her well.

Suddenly a “media frenzy” is a problem? Isn’t that his bread and butter, capitalizing on media frenzies and converting it into other business prospects, paid appearences? In short, one form or other of a revenue stream.

A woman who reads, but I guess she hasn’t read any of my Tweets, the ones where I’ve asked her to stop human trafficking me for her financial gain. Or, maybe she does and she doesn’t give a fuck. Based on what I’ve been forced to endure the last 3 years, I’m going to bet the house I no longer own on: she doesn’t give

<3 Oh how I love this comment.

“Is it really Leos fault[?]” Yes.

I think, maybe without meaning to, you just outed yourself as a fuddy-duddy child. Your father sounds like good company.

Yes. I prefer it to Edge of Tomorrow, which sounds like a soap opera.

“I have a theory that guys who have sex with a lot of different women, but don’t have sex with the same women for very long are not great in bed and don’t know it because no one has been invested enough to inform them.” Truth. My ex-husband slept with countless women. While he was good with straightforward, raw sex,

Whatever to Emilia Clark. She stole that line from Ava Gardner, who said it about Clark Gable. Bitch, I see you and know what you’re doing. *sets the audience of the shitshow on a chase*

[img] “Burying beetles mate by choosing a decaying animal carcass to fornicate next to, then laying their larvae in its rotting flesh.”

That everything. She’s foul, all around.

Whatever this means, which is to say: it’s about as accurate as all the other lies they’ve circulated about then entire enterprise. It’s illegal. It’s always been illegal. There was never any consent or contract, which they know better than anyone, except for me. All of this applies to the Hear/Depp divorce, the

“It won’t shock me one bit if he squirms out of any reasonable debate format.” That’s what I think, too. There is absolutely no one he will debate her. He’s out of his leaugue and he knows it, and he can’t trip her up.

Acquaint yourself with sarcasm. It helps when you make the rounds on the internet.

He referred to himself as handsome.

“A consequence is a direct result of an action. Good/bad has nothing to do with it. It’s just the result of an action.” I agreed with this. I’m not sure why you felt the need to explain something I agreed with, or why you felt the need to not acknowledge that I did.