
“... because OBVIOUSLY someone who wants to have an abortion as a matter of personal convenience would view the process of childbearing negatively (otherwise, why do it?).”

“It reflects my sympathies toward the person in those shoes.” The person meaning the fetus? I can’t imagine it’s the woman. The woman wouldn’t need your sympathies so much as your not standing in the way of her choice to have a child when she feels she is ready (or, in your words, when she feels it is convenient).

Where in my comment did I write anything about justice? Where did I equate justice with consequence?

“The word consequence carries neither a negative nor a positive connotation.” The connotation is given by its context. Here’s yours:

“I made no implication that babies are punishments”

“these ‘leges privum...’”

Just scroll passed the comments. He’s vile and he’s blind to himself, completely.

Really, goodness. They won’t see it, though, so don’t waste your energy.

Can’t wait! I hope she gets nominated for another Oscar, and wears something off-the-shoulder!

Can’t wait! I hope they get nominated for Oscars because go, women and POC actresses, too!

Yeah, the optics look great, from over there.

You know the great thing about this? I’m not a panda, a lion, a sloth, a bear, a shark, a mollusk. You get the picture. But you know what’s even better than that? I have no desire to nude-frolic with any of of the above, either.

Maybe a he suffered a scratch to his pretty face? I mean, handsome face. Because then *that* would explain it.

“Even if you are drunk, at some point you have to feel a little creeped out by your actions, right?” I stopped waiting for that a long time ago (after 2 years), so, tragically, the answer is no. Not for some. Not for a whole lot of people.

But still, somehow, the status quo will be maintained. No matter how much you fight back, or fight against it.

Evocative header photo, truly.

Foul bitch.

Not to be confused with Earth’s leading man. Anyhow, go Neptunes, or whatever it is he’s a part of nowadays.

[img] “there’s something really twisted about that girl ...”

Macho shithead behaves and thinks like macho shithead. Shocking.