My pug was like this, too, though. If I didn’t leave the door open, he starts whimpering on the other side.
My pug was like this, too, though. If I didn’t leave the door open, he starts whimpering on the other side.
“Like, either he made himself cry for a quick buck, or got legitimately upset and immediately made sure he got it on camera to profit off of it[.]” Or, maybe he cried because, in that moment, he realized he is the kind of person who would sell his purported beliefs to Axe, or the highest bidder. #FindYourBottom…
In the face of such slim pickings, I’m forced to agree with that, too.
Why? What’s the context, if you don’t mind answering?
The dancing kittens really makes it for me.
I love you for this comment. And thank you for the laugh. (By the way, I’m in wholehearted agreement with you.)
Thank you for this. I can’t imagine it was easy for you in any way. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being that person.
Thank you.
Hey, how’d you get a photo of my husband?!?
But aren’t they doing the most fabulous, the most incredible job of letting it die already?
“I have very limited knowledge of fetuses/pregnancy, so does anybody know how much painkiller passes through to the fetus via the placenta?” Well, I’m guessing as much as cigareete smoke and/or alcohol and other drugs.
Pregnant women aren’t supposed to drink or smoke, because why? With that in mind, someone please explain how this makes the slightest sense.
No it didn’t. And I have no prayers for Owen meanie.
What a lucky shot that was. I’d be terified of Maisie.
If the daily parade is going from the couch to the bed, that sounds like someone living in crisis. Well, for a cat, that’s probably ideal, but for a human? Sad. That said, your kitten is beautiful.
Good for him. No snark from me. Life is too damn difficult and lonely as it is. i wish them both well.
“Good hair, don’t care, but we will take good lighting, for selfies, or self truths, always,” Roy wrote in a caption, before eventually deleting the photo following a rush of, uh, unkind comments from Beyoncé fans.” Her clothing line sold out after this incident.
He died today. They’re showing him at the beginning, when he was Prince but not fully Prince, just yet. This lip-synced performance — which was standard at the time, definitely for American Bandstand/Dick Clark — highlights just how ill-suited Prince was to that kind of gig. He was a *live* performer, like few others.…
Seperately, I don’t care for either one of them. But I like the idea of them as a couple, I don’t know why.
Yes, I can. I absolutely can.