
Fuck you.

I just noticed that, too. It makes it particularly revolting.

Which is why I’m not leaving a snarking comment. I so despise that motherfucker.

I seriously gasped when I saw this, swear to God (because I didn’t know what i was looking at) -

I remember reading a similar story sometime late last year, except it was an elderly black gentleman. But yeah, congrats to Dorothy.

I wonder which one it is, in reality. Hmm.

Well, the *real* problem is the womens and their complaints, so it goes a long way to fixing it: slowly break them bitches down. Slowly but surely, eventually, they’ll start to have the same opinion of themselves that the administration does, then, poof! No more complaints, only defeated compliance.

lol. I likes that spirit.

You can have them scooped out.

“Nope, apparently its your morning bagel—or as you can now call it, “the tastiest harbinger of death.” My breakfast, tomorrow morning. Just doing my part to speed up this life-death process.

I wish you would (and anyone else who cares to).

Just ordered a burrito.

That was my reading of it, as well.

Fantastic Planet (1973)

I HATED that film. Just could not see why everyone loved it. She annoyed the living fuck out of me.

“For when you want to either give up on or jump start your life.” For the choices that aren’t really choices and that amount to the same thing! Welcome to my “life” (which was once a life without quotation marks)!

I love you for posting this gif. It’s been a shit morning, so thank you again.

“Disick, 32, has brought women back, but they’re asked on arrival to sign NDAs and check smartphones at the door in baggies so no surreptitious selfies can be snapped.”

“In February, the university finally laid out a plan to prevent sexual assault. The plan includes more funding, resources, and counselors, as well as increased Title IX training for faculty and staff.” Yeah, I feel as if I’ve read this before. Oh, it’s because I have. Last time, a week or two ago on this site.

“We eagerly await the follow-up, in which the knife will be announced to have been buried by none other than Ryan Murphy.”