
Well, welcome to an American Blog. Land of the offended low IQ dumbos. All other countries (females, males, trans, aliens, ..) around the world don’t give a fuck. I even know some trans people who are even trolling those feminists or you people call “SJWs”.

Of course this still is censorship. Even when it’s self-censorship since then it’s anticipatory obedience.

Are you a women? Yes? Have you applied? No? Then there, there’s your reason why there are none.

It’s not the game, but the player or more precise the players ego who is toxic.

Well, to be honest here, he(Reggie) isn’t really running it, especially since his title change. He is just a puppet for public. Nothing more. But he is still cool.

Even when it’s show, you have to know your limits of your ego. And hell, on this event are likely more kids than on any random eSports event. So when he starts babbling shit on stage again, they don’t really need him for this.

Ego: Crushed.

How about: No. We don’t need any IGN supported shit. And even before the Monthly was utter garbage.

How about: No. We don’t need any IGN supported shit. And even before the Monthly was utter garbage.

I hate how much Game “Journalists” shill every shit.

Accidents are almost always reported. It has not really anything to do if there is few news or not. Also this kart topic has got some attention over the last years in different ways so of course it get’s more and more attention. Like this article already told. Do you even read?

That’s not funny at all!

And OOHHH the irony, they have been caught pirating/violating Copyright themself:

Too bad he didn’t do this in a country like Japan. He would be indeed in jail right now.

Hello Konami, stop shilling in every community and instead do games again which people really want. You bought and stil have so many IPs. DO SOMETHING WITH THEM. Of course withou Microtransaction bullshit. kthxbye

This. It really has nothing to do with Kojima. If this was a great Metal Gear, no one had a problem at all.

It’s not even really fun. It’s a stupid cashgrab which will result in a microtransaction mess. Even if it hasn’t that name, it would be still shit. Of course they bait you right now by 1. name, 2. beta where everything in-game is free. But that won’t stay. Seriously, fuck this shit.

Get a life. It’s just a game.

( ゚∀゚)o彡°おっぱい!おっぱい!

Sure on this. But then he 1. Should have a age barrier so kids don’t adapt this shit. 2. Shouldn’t get money of this. 3. YouTube has rules, they should enforce them on the right events like this and not delete other and really censor them for no really good reason.

Jackass was at least funny in it’s own way and not hurting or blaming random people. Just people who were in theier crow and likely most was planned and scripted. So it’s a whole different story.