
Very fair point.

There’s a case to be made that all that winning in 2006 undermined the party in the long run. Few of the candidates he picked are still in Congress, some of them turned back into Republicans the moment they stepped foot in Washington.

I don’t want to contest you Katherine, but as a citizen of Chicago, what I will tell you is that he is really good at one thing - winning and staying in office.

I liked that big twist. This Igor was revealed to be a fake! Then the original Igor makes his triumphant return! And! And! ... He’s still clearly being played by a new actor

Cutest dysphoria comic ever.

You mean Overcrotch?

Thank you! Funny thing- I was just laid off from that licensed tee job. So, I’m in no hurry to spend money seeing a movie I would have been paid to see. I hear good things though!

Yeah, we’ve gotten more info since this article was published and since my comment. It definitely just seems like a remake from scratch, with pretty much everything intact and just updated with modern graphics. Which is cool.

I’m not sure what you mean. I’m just saying Trump doesn’t strike me as a trickle-down conservative so no reason for him to support this. Trump is not as conservative on economic issues as other Republicans so he knows repealing the ACA will make a huge mess and the fact that the press won’t report on all the poor

I’m allowed to be bitter. But fuck you too while im at it.

Nice to see Huma has finally sworn off Weiner for good.

“For some, this might present an attractive option, but many players are finding that Nook never shows up to negotiate, and their town gets deleted in the process.”

Don’t blame Ken. Ken is the American Middle Aged White Male. He lives in a solid Red State.

I found this today and I laughed.

Anybody else finding themselves sighing frequently, not enjoying things, like ice cream, as much, constantly feeling on the verge of unexpected violent tears? Anyone else get queasy when they turn on the news, cynical when they open their Facebook and wary when strangers start talking in a doctor’s waiting room that

Wow, Anna Merlan, what a great suggestion! Hey everyone! Anna Merlan just suggested we should listen to what Stassa said! Way to go, Anna Merlan!

As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.


I guess you could say esports players have little to grain

Better yet wait for the sequel, get three more Nates, and call it Five Nates at Freddie's