
She's not for sale, so it's not advertising. The only thing she's showcasing is her (fantastic) cosplaying skills.

Spins a web, any size, catches thieves and poisons them from the inside out, liquifying their guts over a period of 36 hours as they writhe in excruciating pain. Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man!

a mask wearer like Philemon hmmm


Well even then, that only permits you to see the outside part of yourself! You'll also need to swallow a bunch of mirrors, or have a very big knife handy.

Are you sure it's not a...Metroid station?

Okay, not necessarily a nerdy comic, but I just started reading GirlsWithSlingshots a few days ago and have been absolutely loving it. Its one of those comics that's hilarious, sexy, and honest without really trying to be any of those

You nailed that joke on the

They don't need a script. They should just wing it.

Whoops, I mean favorite, I mean favorite! DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK TO KOTAKU UK!

Was his opponent wearing an American flag as a cape? Kind of makes him look like a cheesy villain, which makes the win even better.

Well, the women's australian beach volleyball team were passing by and stopped in for a cuppa with me so i just asked the girls what they think.... apparently, its not entirely unknown for people to stretch the truth.

I was about to correct you, then it occurred to me that because they normally eat rocks, they must eat desert for dessert.

Sounds like they have intimacy problems. I wonder how many times she actually VLOOKUPs at him when they are doing it.

If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son

If this guy wanted to get really anal, he'd probably be turned down for that too.