
Rocket Slime looks pretty meh at first, but when you tried OMG, it is the most fun game EVER. Please Nintendo! Bring Rocket Slime 3 to Europe and America :( .

I've played the first 5 minutes of the game and let me tell you, it's easily the best game in the world.

... White Bread man, the underappreciated cousin of the much more popular POWDERED TOAST MAAAAAAAN!

The only correct answer.

Just thought I'd be the guy to point out that that battle probably isn't going to end well for poor Lucario.

Smash Bros. hacks are good for everything.

Scraggy evolves into Scrafty.

i dont think it did

A Ganondorf Reggie would be even more hilarious.

Well it is in a way. ROB is a fictional toy. Its games on the NES required it in order for you to be fully immersed.

Caution! There are still lots of fires burning here and there. It's HOT!

female paul?

Blathers - HOOO! Oh my! I do believe I've found something that isn't a part of our museum collection yet! It's an.... apato skull. Yes, yes it's an apato skull! I'll just be taking that!....

Meanwhile, at NoA (Possibly)...

Hell yeah, my favorite is when he plays the town tune as transitions. My town tune is Strangelove by Depeche Mode.

Just listened to that nonstop loop for nearly an hour this evening.

We think plus sizes could be even bigger than our regular sizes.