
Looks like I need to go back and finish that game.

No, that’s the beautiful part. When wintertime rolls around, the foxes simply freeze to death.

This is a legit question, because I’ve not ever played SMT: can you beat SMT at level 1? Because Undertale is completely beatable without getting any EXP at all - every single battle, from the first to the last, can be worked around.

Court Records’ Tumblr explains that the way Kingdom of Kulain and Kurain Village are written in Japanese are different, so they’re not the same place. Though it is suspicious that it’s so similar.

And then you hear Monokuma’s voice.

I wouldn’t trust anything that had Danganronpa and VR in the same sentence.

It’s probably the really awful picture of him the article ran with.

I think this is the first time that not getting an app in the Windows store really hurts for me.

The series is called “Gyakuten Saiban” (which translates to something like ‘turnabout trial’) if that helps.

Here’s what that mix was based off of. Lots of video game songs in there, especially at the end.

Now playing

Nah, this track, by Yoko Shimomura, is the best video game boss music of all time.

And it had Waluigi show up as one of the main villains.

“Not a weird way to say Chie” is a weird way to spell Chie.

Nah man, Jigglypuff.

Oh man, Breakout. I love easter eggs like that.

I want to know who in the world expected something different. That voice is almost exactly what I expected it to sound like. The only thing that took me by surprise was it saying more than its name - the last Pokemon I remember speaking before I lost interest in the show was Slowking.

Live-A-Live! Live-A-Live!

Huh. Joker?

My cold heart is many degrees... you, apparently.