
Oh man, that Goomba. It's just... so indignant.

Wait, what the heck, they make Crunch Bars combined with Girl Scout cookies? Welp, I'm never eating anything else ever again.

I keep waiting for her to hit the Feature Drive and turn into a Chocobo.

I'm not sure what it says about me that the first thing I did here was look for an acronym instead of actually reading your post.

Right, I guess I'll go watch some football then, to get my fill of beefy men passing each other balls between their legs.

I'd start watching Jeopardy in the vain hopes that that question came up, someday.

I was actually going to name myself Skunch, but when that was filled, I tried Hypotenuse Skunch. That too was taken, so this is what I ended up with.

It's just pining for the fjordboxes.

I think Stadium/Stadium 2 were actually HAL.

Oh, yeah, I didn't think about that, but it makes sense that you do. :T My bad, I'll cut that down.

Ah, yeah, this was a really solid piece too. Really, the whole soundtrack was great. Can't go wrong with any of it.

Now playing

I did like Drammatica in general, and that was an awesome remix, but my favorite LaL remix is always going to be Battlissimo. LaL shown in its battle themes - all of them - and a medley of several awesome battle themes is too good to pass up.

Now playing

While I'm immensely pleased you included Live-A-Live - seriously, awesome - you did not include the BEST track from the game. :D

Oh, well, that's a bit better. Thanks.

Blinded by Light *isn't* in this game?

I would jump headlong into a fray for a Groo game.

I can never get up enough speed to make it to Sega HQ. I always fall off halfway through.

Yup. 4-player offline, looks like. No clue about online.

Looks like Mr. Saturn.

Neither DQ8 or Valkyria Chronicles really grabbed me when I played them, but Persona 4 immediately jumped to one of my favorite games. It's got a style to it that's not really like anything but other Persona games. It gets my vote.