@N-Robes: Someone remembers Digi-Boy! :D The robo-boots were freaking fantastic, and I still want a pair.
@N-Robes: Someone remembers Digi-Boy! :D The robo-boots were freaking fantastic, and I still want a pair.
@Kirbysuperstar: Man, remember that spinoff? Kirby's Distressing String? Hated that game.
Evil Boyfriend
@strider2: I'm curious about that too, actually. What would happen if someone shelled out the cash?
@TheHeeyyy: Remember... No Persian.
@Culebra: I can't think of a better response to that post.
This guy sounds like a real-life Scout.
We had the Oregon Trail at school, but I never played it. This was mostly because the teachers let me play my copy of the Neverhood. :P
@JaysG: Zoombinis was my absolute favorite game when I was a kid. We didn't have it at school, but I ordered it out of one of those book catalogs they gave us every month in 4th grade.
@paulrules: Once I read this comment, I had to go back and see if there was a logo hidden there.
I like that Carbuncle plushie at the beginning.
@timestep: Aren't they still roaming the streets of Ontario, then? Unless Toronto isn't actually in Ontario?
@Bluejuan85: I haven't ever played any of them, but I have to give the GBA release credit for the hilarious voice acting.
@Madeira: Pokemon and Psychonauts.
@MrSnuffles: I think you'd be hard-pressed to find many people who will argue that here.
@Yolky: I love that video so much.
@Tiller: Tell them it still makes me laugh after seeing it for the first time a year ago. XD
@ketchupy: Damn, you beat me by one minute.