
It’s also a coincidence that they are for the most part correct. Saying Nigga or Nigger doesn’t make you racist, as you seem to be implying. Otherwise, a lot of blacks and a lot of whites would be automatically racist

But the left is praised for raising racial tensions as much as they could

Thats how it works.

Other youtubers say it. Oh their black nvm all good

teaching young black kids that their lives are worse off because of white people is totally acceptable.

he developer himself said that the company was profiting off of Pewdiepie’s video because he was basically advertising the game to his fans anyways.

Hate speech is completely legal, grow up.

He’s more successful than you’ll ever be.

I say Nigger a lot.

It does the opposite.

Blacks say Nigga all the time, in good and bad context. Nigga is literally just an accented version of Nigger.

You love people being hypocrites and barring specific people from freely advertising their games for free despite being bigger than the game itself? The only reason this Sean guy is doing this is for publicity

He said Nigger. It’s not a big deal. If you think it is you are over-reacting. The word is used so much on the internet that it’s meaningless.

The idea that Pewdiepie has to apologize for something that the millions of people say almost everyday in real life and on the internet is funny. It was a spontaneous comment, and it a habit of people who you could call ‘memers’.