
I had no idea he had victims other than Versace, so it’s good that they’re bringing this to light, spree or serial

There is no such thing as too much Chopped! Ted Allen is a gift that’s not appreciated enough

Does anyone else think the one with Meghan in the sweater looks like an ad for Jared? I mean, it’s still beautiful and maybe I’ve seen too many jewelry ads this holiday season but...

Metropolitan Museum of Art, not the MoMA. It was my fav book as a kid!

Will she be the new Hillary that the Rpublicans can focus all their angst on? Warren can take it.

What we call things is important. Rhetoric moves people’s opinions--it’s been shown time and again that Trump supporters are against Obamacare but for the Affordable Care Act. It’s the same dang thing. If calling it a Muslim ban helps more people rise up against it, then so be it.