non I’ve lost almost 75 pounds in a year, and was a HUGE help. You can talk to your doctor about a month’s dosage of phentermine (that helped me get jump-started) and then after that, drinking water, portioning food out before I ate (and keeping track of what I ate), using smaller

Source: Me. My son was less than 2 months old when I left my ex-husband. I was about 7 months pregnant when I found out he was having an emotional affair with a coworker of ours. I moved in with my in-laws, who knew the reasons behind our split.

I’ll never be over it. I was 18 during the ‘08 campaign, and I walked in the rain to my polling place off campus. I cheered and cried with my friends in the theater house when the results came in. He was the first president I ever got to vote for, and damn was it a good way to start—with a man who looked like me, and

I can’t read or listen to coherent speech from past presidents these days without crying inside a little. I believe the words a person communicates are the reflection of how that person’s mind works and is organized and Trump’s mind must be almost empty echo chamber and in complete chaos.

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.

Because I am a millennial and we are trying to kill movies. Along with literally everything else. Because we are evil. (Also cause we are poor and can’t afford anything.)

Because, you fucking bastard, these were children who where brought over. Children that had no say in breaking your shit laws. If you cannot understand that deep inside your pathetic, miserable soul, call it a day and choke on a dick, bitch.

As a deaf person (and engineer) who grew up with strong public schools that provided sign-language interpreters for me, I really, really want to see Betsy DeVos gone next.

I hate cold shoulder tops and I’m constantly disappointed lately

Someone posted this elsewhere, which I thought was particularly apt here

Funny too how mister “Wait for the facts” tweeted a completely disproven story about Blackjack Pershing while advocating fucking WAR CRIMES.


I’d also point out that you’re making your hot dogs all wrong. First you open the bun, add the condiments you want. Then you add the dog on top of the condiments. The dog keeps the mustard and relish in the bun and off your shirt.

“ooh, a psycho brown person. a chance for me to fly my racist scumbag flag!”

They will be Queen Consorts, not Queen Reagent, like Elizabeth II is.

“nothing should be off-limits in comedy” means “no subject”, not “no joke”. If Dave Chappelle wants to talk about trans people, maybe he should do his homework and learn a little something instead of just disgorging uninformed hate thinly disguised as humor.

Oh god it’s so frustrating to talk with edgelord comic douches. Like yes, I think nothing should be off-limits in comedy, and (and motherfuckers, and) you should get raked over the coals if you screw up. Just because it’s off limits doesn’t make it funny (saddly for many edgelords, it does, this is their version of a

‘Sounds like a secret weapon to me,’ he continued. ‘If I was in ISIS in the trenches fighting against the United States and all of the sudden I see a man with a beard and big D-cups titties just rushing my foxhole and shit, I’d be horrified.’

Watched part 1 of his new special on netflix and there was a lot of this. It was pretty gross.