Also, in five years, no one worth spending time with is really going to give a shit where you went to college.
Also, in five years, no one worth spending time with is really going to give a shit where you went to college.
Only one day left until American Gods finally premieres!!!! I’ve been waiting for this for so long that I can hardly believe it’s almost here. I’m so excited!
Except what happens when the criminals get out? After they have been dehumanised and tortured, will they really be able to just fit back into society? It seems unlikely.
Yeah, sorry, he’s not interested.
Society failed him? Are you fucking kidding me?
Oh give me a fucking break. Society failed him by making him an idolized millionaire? Get a fucking grip.
I’m fucking tired of living in a country where the NRA has such a fucking stranglehold on our politicians that I have to be worried about my kid getting shot at school because there are so many fucking guns and such a culture of violence. And there is no end in sight.
Why does his accent sound so fake, when it’s his actual accent? It’s like his entire career is doing a bad impression of himself.
Your shitty comment.
I’m kind of in the same boat as you. I think that Obama would have probably responded in a similar vein (he did it in Libya) but perhaps not as quickly. However, I don’t think Trump had much say in this. I think it was probably McMaster and/or the Joint Chiefs, and they probably reined him in as far as what he…
Donald Trump Orders Military Strike Against Syria in Response to 35% Approval Rating and Russia Investigations.
Fuck you, Helen.
Legal cases are by definition narrow.this particular case might not address trans issues in the same way that Gavin Grimm’s Case doesn’t touch on sexuality. This isn’t a zero sum game. Not every case covers every issue and we don’t need to get defensive when our allies get a win.
God, I can’t wait for golf to become a thing of the past. One thing I will say about us millennial, we sure do dislike golf. This is a good thing!
This testimony yesterday is telling. Partly because of what it says, but maybe more because Senate Republicans didn’t try to stop it, or really challenge it, or hold a press conference to say it is false.
Alright all ya clean freaks, challenge issued: Bet you can’t tell me one instance of when you actually noticed whether or not someone washes their legs on the reg.
Thankfully that appears to be a survey of UK youth, not US youth. Plus, I’m extremely skeptical of the survey, which was apparently done by a marketing group called “The Gild.” And when another website actually went to The Gild’s website, they found that they’re essentially full of shit, and their survey is a…