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    “Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now in the greatest city in the world, the greatest city in the world!”

    There is so much uncertainty in the beginning of a relationship! You’re still figuring each other out. That’s what makes dating scary and fun. I say embrace the butterflies unless there are red flags or you’re just not feeling him. Good luck!

    Maybe check with the local hospital if they have any support groups for people with family members going through health problems. It is great that you are there for your mom, but you need people on your side too. Feeling isolated just makes an already hard situation even harder.

    First of all every parent makes mistakes. toddlers are super frustrating and adding a newborn on top of that makes the situation even more difficult. I am a nanny to a two year old and what helps me stay calm in the moment is remembering that my most important job is to make sure the kids are safe and to model good

    That sounds really hard! If you think that your uncle is abusing his power of attorney then you should talk to a lawyer and maybe adult social services. Do you have any friends or family that you trust that you can turn to for support? it sounds like you need as many people in your corner as possible. So sorry that

    What exactly is the trouble? If you feel like things are moving too fast then you should say so and slow them down to a pace that makes you comfortable.

    So go home! Don’t blame yourself for making a mistake with an ex. Lots of people have done the same. Just block him on your phone and all social media and go no contact after this because clearly he’s a jerk.

    I’m so so sorry. I’ve never had a friend die, but I did lose my sister and what got me through it was talking to my family and joining a support group. I also wrote about her and planted a tree in her memory. Grief can be isolating; try to lean on the people who care about you. Also make sure to take care of yourself

    Exactly! He’s Emmett!

    My brother and sister used Accurate in high school, both with amazing results. My sister used Carmex and Vaseline on her lips. She also had a flaky scalp and used a sugar scrub, as well as washing her hair less.

    That’s not a fair division of labor AT ALL. I’m a nanny and I’ve seen many different ways of splitting chores/childcare. Your husband should not get more than one night off a week. You deserve nights off too and you guys need date nights, but family time should be the norm. I’m sorry he sucks right now. The good news

    So sorry for your lose. My sister died when she was two. Skull fracture. My dad fell on her while we had a snowball fight. I will never forget her. Hug whoever you can hug as hard as you can. Tell stories. Cry if it feels right. I was six when it happened and I’m almost thirty now, so I understand that every

    I’m so sorry. Here is a positive story to take some of the edge off: my boyfriend’s nephew’s mom was 17 when she had him. The dad, my bf’s brother, is a bit of an ass, but the mom got her shit together, finished school, and works as med tech in a clinic. The kid is great and super close to his grandparents, who helped

    My bf of 3 years broke up with me and I had to move back in with my parents at 27. Not fun. Friends, family, booze, music, TV, and time got me through. Good luck!

    Was it the Anabelle dress? Because I’ve been coveting that one.

    I agree that male domestic violence victims don’t get the support they deserve, but Nick Loeb doesn’t deserve your sympathy. If you look at their past, he’s the abusive/controlling one and these accusations, as well as the lawsuit, are just ways to intrude in her life and prevent her from moving on.

    Little girl I babysit was reading Amulet today and didn’t want to go to bed because it’s so exciting.

    Hollywood already remade Psycho. That’s worth getting upset about, but The Craft? Not so much.

    This isn’t teenage, but Only You with Robert Downey Jr and Marissa Tomei is an awesome, sappy rom com. Plus it’s set in Italy!

    You could say the same thing about almost any major purchase. Why do people spend money on new cars, big houses, or boats when they could get by with a used car, smaller house, and no boat? Even smaller purchases like Starbucks or a new purse seem frivolous when you consider how many people live in poverty. We buy