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    This isn’t teenage, but Only You with Robert Downey Jr and Marissa Tomei is an awesome, sappy rom com. Plus it’s set in Italy!

    You could say the same thing about almost any major purchase. Why do people spend money on new cars, big houses, or boats when they could get by with a used car, smaller house, and no boat? Even smaller purchases like Starbucks or a new purse seem frivolous when you consider how many people live in poverty. We buy

    I’m sorry things suck right now. Recovery is the best birthday present you will ever give yourself.

    Class act.

    Didn’t he get Judi Dench to play D&D with him on the set of Chronicles of Riddick? So nerdy and awesome

    Not a dick. You listened to your conscience and stopped when he crossed a line. Sure, you could have stopped sooner, but he’s the one risking his marriage. Put this behind you and let go of the guilt.

    You can’t make her go on dates. You can encourage your sister when she expresses interest, but the motivation should come from her. You could also host events or join a class together to help her expand her social circle.

    I didn’t tell the guy I lost my virginity to that it was my first time. My reasoning was that I wouldn’t feel obligated to tell him my number if I had already had sex, so I didn’t have to reveal my number was zero.

    Talk about one of the things you have in common!

    I’m sorry about what you and your great aunt are going through. Sounds like she’s suffered a lot. I hope she finds peace.

    Tana French is great if you like mysteries! Sorry about the health stuff.

    Thanks goodness for that doctor! Depending on your temperament, weed can help with vaginismus. Made a big difference for my friend.

    You’re not a bad wife for having the same urges most people do! As long as you’re just looking and not cheating or putting yourself in a position to cheat, you’re good. Are you taking care of yourself while your husband’s gone? A vibrator and some good porn or erotica might diffuse some of the sexual tension. Bonus:

    I think honesty will work in your favor here. Explain that the dress doesn’t come in your size and you don’t want the other bridesmaids to have to switch and you’re honored she asked you, but totally cool stepping down. Talk to your brother if you’re not comfortable talking to his fiance.

    Dude needs a better hobby if he’s a troll or better medication/therapy if he’s for real.

    Six months is not that long for having gotten out of a six year relationship. So probably good that the distance will force you to go slow.

    Can you bring a project to help you avoid annoying family members? Something like knitting or a puzzle to keep you above the fray would be ideal. Just remember that their bullshit reflects on them, not you. Focus your time and energy on the relatives you do like.

    I don’t think it’s bad, but your energy would probably be better spent focusing on your own life and finding what makes you happy.

    When my boyfriend dumped me, I moved out a week later because it didn’t seem real until we were apart. I’m a big fan of the clean break. Do you have an end date for when he’ll be gone?

    I tried to wear hard contacts in middle school and they seriously felt like glass on my eye. But you might be tougher.