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    Time. Avoid them as much as possible. Time. Get a hobby. Time. Get a massage. Time. Write a sad poem. Time. Go out with your friends. Time. Dye your hair. Make out with someone else. Time. Throw a dinner party. Time. Take a vacation. Time. Try online dating.

    Your sister sounds very lost and unhappy. She can't feel good about herself, dropping out of school and not having much direction. She's probably lashing out because she feels worthless. Try to respond not with anger or pity, but compassion. Ignore bad behavior as much as you can. You can be the mature one and sit

    I work with teenagers and have taken classes in brain development. This girl may think she's making the best decision, but her father is a predator, no doubt.

    Yeah, all these people are assholes.

    Did you miss the part where he groomed her as a teenager and took advantage of her in a vulnerable time in her life? She's 18 and engaged to her dad.

    All the sympathies to you! I hope they gave you good meds.

    Do they have health insurance? Offer to take her to the doctor for a wellness check and talk about your concerns. With any illness, early intervention is key. It's a difficult conversation to have, but your mom will understand that you care about her.

    I'm in Seattle too and the past two years with the Hawks have been electric!!!

    I know it's a cliche, but exercise is really great for stress. Getting outside and going for a walk can really clear the air. Also, talking to close friends/family. Good luck!

    That is quite a dilemma. I think people usually regret the things they don't do, more than the ones they do, but only you know what's best.

    I have a similar brother. He was a self-centered dick from about 17-25. He eventually got his shit together, but he might have done better if my parents hadn't been so permissive.

    First, realize that his behavior has nothing to do with you. Assholes will be assholes. Second, minimize contact and try to arrange as many ladies-only events. Third, start to see him as a great source of stories. My friend has a terrible coworker and we all love to hear the latest awful thing the woman said/did.

    I enjoyed both Into the Woods and Big Eyes.

    Sometimes I think the hardest thing about break-ups is giving up control and realizing we may never have all the answers. Your ex might have meant what he said about lust or he might not. Or he might have meant what he said and then changed his mind. Or he may have thought he meant what he said, but the real reason is

    I'm such a FB stalker, so I can relate. I keep up with my boyfriend's ex-fiance and my friend's ex. What's the worst thing she's posted?

    I Capture the Castle. It is amazing. I think my aunt gave it to me around that age and I still reread it.

    I totally get that it can be exhausting to try different meds, but a good psychiatrist will keep working on different combinations until something works. I think the most important thing is to have a doctor that you trust, someone on your side to help you keep fighting. I'm sorry you have to go through this. It sucks

    Are you on medication for your anxiety? Because panic attacks are chemical, not a sign of weakness. Also, any therapist that tells you to just wait for good stuff to happen is not doing their job. Please don't stop seeking help. I've seen people with anxiety and depression make great strides with the right meds and

    We're not Jewish, but we do the whole Chinese food on Christmas Eve tradition anyway because Chinese food is delicious. My family used to do Salmon on Christmas Day because we live in the Pacific Northwest, but the past few years my dad has switched to pork loin prepared with Caribbean spices and a mango slaw. I'm

    Mad respect for you dealing with that retail madness. My boyfriend works at a grocery store and today had to deal with a woman who got stuck in the Salvation Army bin outside the store. People are weird.