
Go and ask guys (Especially Millennials) how many times they have had girls grab them sexually without permission at a bar, club, or apartment.
Ask guys who work out how many times they have been cat called by women or asked by girls to take their shirt off so she can see his abs/6-pack.
It happens literally all the

I try to remember how good all of the character development will be once I am binging it on Netflix. This season has been great because I don’t need to binge 6 episodes to get a payoff. Though, I think being a HUGE fan of the comic helps.

I also am enjoying this season. I don’t get why people are so mad about Glenn & Abraham. Was is graphic? Yes it was - that’s how they drove home how demented Negan is. Also, that’s how it was depicted in the comic (for Glenn) and they wanted to be true to that. I’m not even sure that was the most gruesome scene

THIS. I just don’t get why killing off Glenn and Abraham was just a bridge too far for some. The show needed shaking up, and gratuitous, heart-rending violence did the trick, IMO. I’m enjoying the story lines this season. Lots going on, and I CANNOT wait for next week.

I guess I’m in the minority, because I have actually enjoyed this season more than any other since season 3. I still don’t think that it’s *great* - I don’t know that it will ever be great again - but I definitely think it’s better than seasons 5 and 6 (UGH).

Yeah, I’ve rewatched most of those episodes at least two or three times since it’s been on Netfilx. It shouldn’t have been cancelled.

If you have not seen Better Off Ted, binge it now. Totally hilarious with excellent cast.

at one point the younger one broke into tears and accused me of treating them like slaves (he’s six), which occasioned a short and stern conversation.

IMO, you still have a large percentage of the population that believes the science, and buys into the alternative fuel vehicle movement. Regardless of what the administration does, people will still push to use less fossil fuels, especially if they can cross shop the entry point price with a EV that looks as good as

Hey Elon,

Is there a TL/DR for this?

So, you’re willing to not blame people for being born poor, or sick, or any number of other things. But a person born into a red state and raised with those beliefs deserves to not have health care, or starve?

Congratulations on just happening to be born in the place where all the rich people prefer to live. I’m sure you worked very hard to accomplish that as a sperm swimming through your momma’s vaginal canal.

Flying amazed me as a child back when you could still go to the airport with your grandparents and watch planes land and take off. When I took my first flight at age 13 prior to 9/11 I felt like I touched the face of God. Flew the second time in 2015 and I felt like cattle heading to a slaughter and got strip

Remember when gas/oil prices went up really high and flight prices skyrocketed because of it? And they crammed more seats on planes and charged us heavy fees for bags? Then fuel/oil prices dropped drastically and the flight prices never went down and fees never went away? Fuck everything about the airlines.

I submit that it’s a bad idea to look down on people because you think they did something you dislike and your only evidence is their race, gender, and home state.

Save for maybe half a dozen or so picks, I wouldn’t classify these people as “very rich.” Well off, maybe, but I guess that doesn’t work as well for clickbait.

No - it’s about Trump and NAFTA, a COMPLETELY political topic, with a thin tie-in to automobile sales that may be affected (did you READ the article?) A very informative article too. But that’s not the point.