non-dairy product

I can't belive I missed the accent thing. I re-watched the Wu scenes and there it is. Starting with: "He said that? His words?"

I figured it was Lucy that he put down as his next of kin since you can see a little smile on her face in the very next scene.

The Gallinger story arc is Requiem-for-a-Dream-level depressing.

The sound mixing was great in this episode. Really put you in the environment. All the conversations echoing in the background while Barrow talks to Bunky. The scene with Thackery, Barrow and Robertson outside the police station at night. The quietness of the talk between Cornelia and Sister Harriet.

Great ep! C+

The "it's not your fault" scene in Good Will Hunting is my favorite scene in any movie ever. :-(

Today is Ryu's birthday!!!