non-dairy product

Ok. The post said the switch is scheduled for 10 AM Central Time, with the process complete by 12 PM. So 10 more minutes!

Cougertown was pretty good.

The Godfather insists upon itself.

It's worse than I ever could have imagined …. oh wait this is still the latest Newswire layout.

I welcome our new Kinja overlords.

Yeah, in IF1 the characters looked to him as a leader, but as Cage points out, he is in fact privileged and naive. I think his character would work better with someone keeping him in check.

Loving the chemistry between Luke Cage and Iron Fist. I think it would be a good move to do Heros for Hire limited-series before Iron Fist Season 2.

I hope he uses Ken and Barbie dolls for this one.

Those Witch Hazel shorts always take me back to being a little kid during Halloween. Love em.

Since Hollywood seems to be set on 2.5+ hour movies and since theaters no longer have to splice in film reels for trailers and such, I'd like to see a return of the intermission. It would most likely be good for the theaters' concession stands.

Soooo… I shouldn't be taking weight loss tips from him?

Thank you for sharing that number. I feel like it should be standard practice to end an article about suicide with some info on how to get support.


..but getting back to Chester Bennington. He always seemed like a good, respectable guy. And even though he was grouped into the "nu-metal" scene I never had a bad thing to say about him.

I was about 20 at the height of Linking Park's peak. I wasn't a fan, but very aware of Chester Bennington. I think my nephew really liked the band. It's a real bummer to read this kind of news.

I enjoyed Daredevil Season 2 and was rooting for the Punisher, but he ain't exactly the best doggie owner.

That's a shame. We never really got to see her be a girlboss, she was just self-employed and at the end of the season started working with her best friend.

I was a big Pearl Jam fan back in the day. My taste in music has changed a lot in the last 25 years (Wow I'm old), but I still fondly remember and respect those guys for boycotting Ticketmaster, refusing to do expensive music videos, and for Vedder's Grammy acceptance speech where he said the award meant nothing and

I would have guessed Jasmine from Aladdin.